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Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
I'm a simple parent, living a real everyday life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can I just slap you for making me feel so disgusted and insulted!?

I feel disgusted over what the Malacca government is trying to do! Truly I try to understand how they may think this was a good solution it’s because he is a man and has never ever been in the single mother’s shoes! I know that they think this is a good deed and this is helping the Single moms. But it just totally makes my skin crawl!

Here I quote from The Star Saturday November 1, 2008

Malacca may give RM1,000 to men who take them as second wives.

MARRIED men in Malacca may receive RM1,000 from the state government if they choose to take poor, single mothers as second wives, reported Harian Metro.

The daily quoted Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, (what a very narrow mind you have sir) who made the proposal, as stressing that the incentive would be given on condition, among others, that the men do not divorce their first wives. “May be the single mom who re-marries can be the servant as well as new concubine! Hey this will stop the men form going outside the home to have an affair! Oh yes and the kids will be little helpers around the house! On top of that there’s the RM1000 bonus the bugger gets paid! Way to go Datuk! Keep on thinking with your dick!”

He said the move was not to encourage polygamy but to ease the burden of single mothers who are dependent on welfare aid from various parties. “And just how will it ease the single mother’s burden when the money goes to the man?!”

“The matter is still being considered. ”Well my advise is better start un-considering it!” The state government will decide following discussions with various parties, including the Malacca Islamic Religious Department, Women and Family Development Council and Welfare Department,” he said.

Are we cows!? That you can just give away like an incentive?! Are we so worthless to this country that you need to give men money to marry us off?! Do you really think that getting re-married is the best solution?!

Have you ever considered that we are sick of men trying to undermine our independence? SO we are struggling, at least some of us do not have to put up with abusive men in our lives anymore!

Have you considered that getting re-married is a thought that will never cross the widow who longs for her dearest love who has left this world and never can she consider being re-married ever again?

Have you ever considered that those who have been deeply hurt and abandoned by their ex husbands will be likely to jump up and re-marry again!

Yes I do agree some of us are lucky enough to start a new life with someone new, but that new man should want to marry without the thought of RM1000 “reward” on his mind!

I’m not even going to touch on the 1st wife that was mentioned! Go do some homework man!

What makes me so pissed off is: Why he would suggest giving the money to the men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hwy cant he just suggest giving the money to the single mothers them selves irrelevant if they re-marry or choose to live their single lives!


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