Proverbs 11:25
In this time of giving let's open our hearts to those with less then ourselves.
To me the proverb above are not just about helping the needy in terms of the poor, sick, aged, orphaned, abandoned, etc.
I read and i get the message of speaking up when injustice is being served to those around me.
Every time you do What is right you will be prosecuted.
This is true, You will be the "black sheep, the trouble maker, the 'Auntie', the One who doesn't shut up!'
But it is up to you to speak up for what is right or keep quiet and let injustice continue?
To me if i see something i feel is wrong, and i keep quiet it means i am condoning it. then I'll be a hypocrite! Something i despise.
Speaking up is not easy though, I know, you will have to face many many tough situations but knowing that you tried to speak up for the truth and Justice, even if you fail, you did something. that in it self is a victory.
If i have to go down, let me go down fighting!
Some one asked me "why do you voice up it's dangerous! Think! you have a family, what will happen if they kick you out?"
Yes i have a family, Yes! i am afraid, but it is for them that i voice up, How do i teach my kid to be a good person if i show her, by my example, that I'm a coward or worse a hypocrite? What will she learn then?
So ......... I pledge to continue to 'stick to my guns and do what is right.
I salute those you have voiced up for us in the past and continuing to do so.
What i do in my everyday life is small, it is not meaningless, Everything starts with just one person and one small step, and one day at a time.
I will voice up for in justice around me, at home, at work, at play, in my country, in this life.
The end.
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