HEAL THE WORLD: Don't let Nurin Jazlin die in vain
In memory of Nurin
As a parent myself, I wish to extend my condolences to the family of the little girl. As an adult, i feel we are all responsible for children's safety. No. 1 is of course the parents but we all play a role.
A few months before this happened there have been reports of molesters / kidnappers in the news, it stayed in the news for 3 days at the most then all dies down. Why? Why was there no more reports on the progress of the kids that were adducted in Kg. Baru? What about the child who was taken outside the dad's stall in the market? What happened? Do u know? I'm sure everyone forgot.
I know the police are burdened with millions of cases and few resources but why is no one doing anything? Why spend millions on a building when the money can go to better cause? Like upgrading our police force? (Only 300 man for the whole of Malaysia to track missing persons) Yes in Nurin's case I'm sure the parents had their part in this through taking it for granted that she went with another sister. Even though i personally do not agree with 2 kids going alone, but i don't think they need being reminded that because of them taking things for granted they now can never see their little child ever again. That is the worse punishment any parent can have! outliving their kid but having an innocent child murdered! that's worse!Who are we to judge? After all we are all human and we all make mistakes. now we should learn from their mistakes. I still see kids playing on the road outside the home with no parents in sight. May be this people think this will never happen to them this is the most dangerous thing to happened. Sometimes i feel I'm paranoid but I'd rather be paranoid then sorry when it comes to my kid's safety. I feel the public, parents, kids must be taught about safety. Not only kids and predators but basic safety. Make more safety campaigns in schools for children and parents. Involve the whole community in keeping our neighborhood safe. We should be suspicious and don't think that we are being busy bodies. Teach parents how to teach their kids about strangers and sexual crimes. I and sure 80% of parents do not know how to talk and explain to their kids what being molested is. Especially if you have young children. Why is it that there is no data base in our country that registers sexual offenders after they are caught and when they get out?. At least then we know who lives in our neighborhood and how safe we really are. That would even make the police jobs easier too for tracking purposes.We tend to live in our little own bubble and this we should not. The police need to change their system and not treat all missing persons with the same process. right now, Missing persons are all lumped together and under the same process, be they the aged or teens or grown ups or kids or babies. I had no idea until this case came to light. This also show me how ignorant i was! I thought the police had different priorities to find missing persons. I thought that missing kids had a different department that worked their cases. which is not true. By assigning blame nothing changes! by charging the parents it shows that you just want to point the finger then wash your hands! So come on think! I challenge you the people ruling our country to do something using the gift God gave you your brains.So to change the country we need to change ourselves then work towards changing the rest.
About Me

- A.Parent
- Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- I'm a simple parent, living a real everyday life.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm in my Silent Scream Mode!
Living a nightmare!
I've been silently screaming lately ever since the Malaysian Government raised the petrol price by 41%!Why silently? because there is no one to listen to my agony! They say change your life style. How do you change your life style when you are already in the water up to you neck and struggling not to go under? Then some one drops a rock weighing a ton on top of you and tell you to " live with it!"As a single parent & single bread winner, my life is hard enough but at least i used to get by. Now,..... I feel I'm slowing drowning. It's not just the petrol price that increases, but essential food items, and house hold items.In this age of modern technology, super corridors, mega projects, etc, i have been washing my daughter's and my own cloths by hand! Why because when my washing machine of 8 years broke down in 2006, I couldn't afford the luxury of a new one!I'm not a charity case yet, (but it does seem like i will end up there eventually) i just feel I'd do without the luxury so i can provide a better daycare for my child when i am not with her.I know everyone is going through hard times now and we all have to take steps to tighten our belts. And i do! I have cut down on my visits to my sister who lives 11 km away from me. But it makes me so sad when she says " come over for this Saturday la" and i have to say "I Can't" just because I do not wish to drive there.Now you can say take the bus la! but,... i really do not want to get into that "very, very blood pressure elevating" topic today. I'll just say the bus service is hopeless!Someone said go talk to your MP in your area, Like as though i have the time or the inclination I just wonder how many people has actually gone and complained to their MP's regarding the rising cost! and What can the MP really do? or How much can they do??I was thinking, if they raise the income level of every one, i can just bet you that the cost of everything else will raise as well!So that is why i am in my silent scream mode!HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
I've been silently screaming lately ever since the Malaysian Government raised the petrol price by 41%!Why silently? because there is no one to listen to my agony! They say change your life style. How do you change your life style when you are already in the water up to you neck and struggling not to go under? Then some one drops a rock weighing a ton on top of you and tell you to " live with it!"As a single parent & single bread winner, my life is hard enough but at least i used to get by. Now,..... I feel I'm slowing drowning. It's not just the petrol price that increases, but essential food items, and house hold items.In this age of modern technology, super corridors, mega projects, etc, i have been washing my daughter's and my own cloths by hand! Why because when my washing machine of 8 years broke down in 2006, I couldn't afford the luxury of a new one!I'm not a charity case yet, (but it does seem like i will end up there eventually) i just feel I'd do without the luxury so i can provide a better daycare for my child when i am not with her.I know everyone is going through hard times now and we all have to take steps to tighten our belts. And i do! I have cut down on my visits to my sister who lives 11 km away from me. But it makes me so sad when she says " come over for this Saturday la" and i have to say "I Can't" just because I do not wish to drive there.Now you can say take the bus la! but,... i really do not want to get into that "very, very blood pressure elevating" topic today. I'll just say the bus service is hopeless!Someone said go talk to your MP in your area, Like as though i have the time or the inclination I just wonder how many people has actually gone and complained to their MP's regarding the rising cost! and What can the MP really do? or How much can they do??I was thinking, if they raise the income level of every one, i can just bet you that the cost of everything else will raise as well!So that is why i am in my silent scream mode!HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
In My Shoes
Sunday, June 22, 2008
In My Shoes!
I have read so many times about the price increase but so far i feel that no body actually knows or cares about how much we the general just below average and under average income earners live!In the Star papers, there was an article on how people manage their income but most of them earned RM3000 Average!What about me? And those in my shoes??
I am a single parent! I am not a charity case (though it looks like i'm being pushed into that), I have one kid 3 yrs going on 4. my ex-husband doesn't support me with anything! I work in a factory as an assistant officer. My net income is RM1300 per month! To get to work 7 km away and to send my kid to the babysitter i have to drive my self because the public transport only decides to turn up when they feel like it!!!!!!!!! Moreover, to get from my house to my job of only 8 km distance away, i will have to travel on 2 busses that will take me 20 km in different directions before i can get to work. (What "great" public transportation we have here)!
Just for your infor I live in Seremban not too far off in the rural area but just about 1 hour's drive to KL But we have very crappy public transport services and i imagine most towns have this same crappy service too!
The 13yr old wira car i drive was actually my brother - in - law's old car, God Bless him, he let me use this car when he bought a new one late last year (an iswara) so that i can get to work on time.
I rent my house for RM280 a month and my babysitter cost me RM270 a month.
My utilities bill comes to RM100 and my phone bill around RM80.
I had to cancel my former credit card which i had from my single and free days and now i'm paying for it monthly until the year 2010! RM160 every month!
Then i put money a side for my kid's milk, diapers, food, gas, rice, (all these used to be around RM250 a month)
and of coz petrol! i used to spend RM120 for petrol a month.
And that would leave me RM40 a month for doctor's fees, and may be getting a new slippers for my kid or whatever needed for her.
How i've change my life style, I have not had a hair cut in 2 years! Let me just say i've made changes to my life style - drastic changes - from 2 years ago when my ex-husband left!
However, still, I used to get by. But Then came to petrol price increase!
And now, chicken price has gone up (i'm not even going to talk about the rice price!), eggs, milk, vege, fish, all up!
Even if i sell this old car i still wont be able to cover my expenses for food!
How much and how long do you think that RM625 cash will help me??
I'm so sick and tired of hearing them say change your life style!
There is nothing more for me to change! Unless i skip some meals, may be my breakfast and my lunch?? But then what if i get sick? Who will care for my daughter? How do i pay for the doctor? And if i don't go to work (because i'm sick) may be i might not have work anymore??
Then who will pay all the expenses? Where will i live?
Can the Government give me a house? Now, if I'm struggling now with my income, what about my other friends in this factory where we work together?
Whose salary are RM550 a month. There are 2 women here who are widows with school going kids! who works as operators for 5 - 8 years here and their salary NET only reaches RM650 a month!
lucky they have their own house and do not pay rent!
lucky one of them walks to work another cycles to work. But don't think the price of petrol has not affected them!
Because they still have to buy food and clothes and pay for the kids school bus all have increased!
but the income is still the same! So tell me, how they can get the RM625 subsidy???
What is the government going to do for them??All I hear on the government focused news are how they are trying to find ways to help the civil servants, I'm not saying they do not need help, but,
Is anyone doing anything for us or would you all prefer we just die of quietly??
Our income will not be increased, and you can bet because of everything the company will not increase the salaries for next year as well because they need to cut cost or close shop!
Then what will we do?? Did you know that you can get welfare help if your families income is RM350 and below only? This was what they told them and because they have work, they are not entitled for welfare help!
I really do want a reply from someone who can really give me good clear answers not some "merry - go - round the bush" answer! Thank you!
I wrote this letter to the Star but there was no replies. I forwarded to the Malaysia Today Editor and They posted it on their website, i received many comments there. And I thank all of you for your comments.
"All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take." Mohandas Gandhi
An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Mohandas Gandhi
In My Shoes!
I have read so many times about the price increase but so far i feel that no body actually knows or cares about how much we the general just below average and under average income earners live!In the Star papers, there was an article on how people manage their income but most of them earned RM3000 Average!What about me? And those in my shoes??
I am a single parent! I am not a charity case (though it looks like i'm being pushed into that), I have one kid 3 yrs going on 4. my ex-husband doesn't support me with anything! I work in a factory as an assistant officer. My net income is RM1300 per month! To get to work 7 km away and to send my kid to the babysitter i have to drive my self because the public transport only decides to turn up when they feel like it!!!!!!!!! Moreover, to get from my house to my job of only 8 km distance away, i will have to travel on 2 busses that will take me 20 km in different directions before i can get to work. (What "great" public transportation we have here)!
Just for your infor I live in Seremban not too far off in the rural area but just about 1 hour's drive to KL But we have very crappy public transport services and i imagine most towns have this same crappy service too!
The 13yr old wira car i drive was actually my brother - in - law's old car, God Bless him, he let me use this car when he bought a new one late last year (an iswara) so that i can get to work on time.
I rent my house for RM280 a month and my babysitter cost me RM270 a month.
My utilities bill comes to RM100 and my phone bill around RM80.
I had to cancel my former credit card which i had from my single and free days and now i'm paying for it monthly until the year 2010! RM160 every month!
Then i put money a side for my kid's milk, diapers, food, gas, rice, (all these used to be around RM250 a month)
and of coz petrol! i used to spend RM120 for petrol a month.
And that would leave me RM40 a month for doctor's fees, and may be getting a new slippers for my kid or whatever needed for her.
How i've change my life style, I have not had a hair cut in 2 years! Let me just say i've made changes to my life style - drastic changes - from 2 years ago when my ex-husband left!
However, still, I used to get by. But Then came to petrol price increase!
And now, chicken price has gone up (i'm not even going to talk about the rice price!), eggs, milk, vege, fish, all up!
Even if i sell this old car i still wont be able to cover my expenses for food!
How much and how long do you think that RM625 cash will help me??
I'm so sick and tired of hearing them say change your life style!
There is nothing more for me to change! Unless i skip some meals, may be my breakfast and my lunch?? But then what if i get sick? Who will care for my daughter? How do i pay for the doctor? And if i don't go to work (because i'm sick) may be i might not have work anymore??
Then who will pay all the expenses? Where will i live?
Can the Government give me a house? Now, if I'm struggling now with my income, what about my other friends in this factory where we work together?
Whose salary are RM550 a month. There are 2 women here who are widows with school going kids! who works as operators for 5 - 8 years here and their salary NET only reaches RM650 a month!
lucky they have their own house and do not pay rent!
lucky one of them walks to work another cycles to work. But don't think the price of petrol has not affected them!
Because they still have to buy food and clothes and pay for the kids school bus all have increased!
but the income is still the same! So tell me, how they can get the RM625 subsidy???
What is the government going to do for them??All I hear on the government focused news are how they are trying to find ways to help the civil servants, I'm not saying they do not need help, but,
Is anyone doing anything for us or would you all prefer we just die of quietly??
Our income will not be increased, and you can bet because of everything the company will not increase the salaries for next year as well because they need to cut cost or close shop!
Then what will we do?? Did you know that you can get welfare help if your families income is RM350 and below only? This was what they told them and because they have work, they are not entitled for welfare help!
I really do want a reply from someone who can really give me good clear answers not some "merry - go - round the bush" answer! Thank you!
I wrote this letter to the Star but there was no replies. I forwarded to the Malaysia Today Editor and They posted it on their website, i received many comments there. And I thank all of you for your comments.
"All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take." Mohandas Gandhi
An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Mohandas Gandhi
Let your soul be at peace now; will you look down on me?
You are not alone, I know you are happy with Big Mummy,
You are not alone, I know you are happy with Big Mummy,
It was just yesterday-you were breathing in my arms? Yet today,….you lay so still
I can't believe that you're gone, I remember you, young and happy, carefree, chasing crabs in the sand,
Waiting patiently for the rat,
Chasing all the cats,
Bullying your brother (lovingly), Yet always loyal, loving, guarding, us your family,
And that's what I'll remember.
So fly away to the angels, fly with them and be free. Let your soul be at peace now, don't forget about me.
When the time has come for me to go I have a few things I'd like you to know
So fly away to the angels, fly with them and be free. Let your soul be at peace now, don't forget about me.
When the time has come for me to go I have a few things I'd like you to know
Don't grieve for me nor shed a tear
Remember the good times shared when I was here
My mission here must have been completeS
o I'll follow the path and take my seat
The one that was made especially for meW
hen my body is useless and my soul set free
For I will be in a better place Can you imagine the smile upon my face
Finally at peace, no worries at all, I, too, will hear you when you call
You say dear Lord I miss him so much Never realized I loved hin so much
And even though you'll miss me my friend
This is not goodbye
It's just till we meet again
In Loving Memory Of My Beloved Dancer (My Hunny Bunny)
24th Dec 1994 to 18th July 2008
In Loving Memory Of My Beloved Dancer (My Hunny Bunny)
24th Dec 1994 to 18th July 2008
Dancer Dear boy, I miss you so much you were so good to us, You made me feel so safe when there was no one around. All these years I was strong living this life because of you my dear Dancer boy.
Thank you my HunnyBunny, for your unconditional love and devotion and for guarding us so loyally.
I will never forget you.
I will never forget you.
What Are YOU!~??
Wednesday July 23, 2008
20 years, rotan for raping five-year-old
KUANTAN: A tree cutter was sentenced to a maximum 20 years in jail and ordered to be given 20 strokes of the rotan by a Sessions Court here for raping a five-year-old girl.
K. Kamalason, 47, pleaded guilty to committing the offence at a Chinese graveyard in Bukit Setongkol here about 6.45pm on Dec 25, 2006.
Sessions Judge Ahmad Zamzani Mohd Zain, who described the offence as serious, cruel and inhuman, ordered the sentence to run from yesterday. The case was supposed to be heard yesterday morning, when Kamalason decided to change his plea.
In his submission, DPP Ahmad Fadhli Mahmud said the victim not only sustained bodily harm but also suffered “very serious internal injuries”, involving her uterus, intestines and private parts.
“She was also traumatised by the whole ordeal and may not be able to lead a normal life.” He asked for the court to impose the maximum sentence, as the victim was a young girl.
“How could he had done such a thing when he himself has two children?” he asked.
In mitigation, Kamalason, who represented himself in the hearing, asked for a lighter sentence, saying he had a wife, a mother and two children aged two and six to take care of.
My blood is practically boiling when i read just the headline!!
Is this person a human? I am pretty sure the animal kingdom would object loudly if i called him an animal!
Unfortunately, there are many more like this..... DEVIL! This devil is not fit to be a father! He is evil! Cases like this is why i am convinced that there is evil in this world! I'm not blaming this on the devil i'm saying HE IS THE DEVIL! HE is Satan's follower!
Some may say he is "sick". To me if he is sick then please put him down!
I know i am not GOD as such i cannot judge him. But,........... i can't help it Forgive me GOD but i have judged him and condemned him too. I have caste the stone at him even though i am not pure. To me his crime against such an innocent angel is just too violent and cruel for words.
To his family, I am very sorry that you have this,... devil as part of your family. May God protect you.
I hope that all those devil like him out there are caught and punished accordingly. If not in this life PLEASE GOD, Punish them in the next!To the little victim, my heart goest out to you, i will remember you in my prayers.May the angel watch over all the little ones, everywhere.
Wednesday July 23, 2008
20 years, rotan for raping five-year-old
KUANTAN: A tree cutter was sentenced to a maximum 20 years in jail and ordered to be given 20 strokes of the rotan by a Sessions Court here for raping a five-year-old girl.
K. Kamalason, 47, pleaded guilty to committing the offence at a Chinese graveyard in Bukit Setongkol here about 6.45pm on Dec 25, 2006.
Sessions Judge Ahmad Zamzani Mohd Zain, who described the offence as serious, cruel and inhuman, ordered the sentence to run from yesterday. The case was supposed to be heard yesterday morning, when Kamalason decided to change his plea.
In his submission, DPP Ahmad Fadhli Mahmud said the victim not only sustained bodily harm but also suffered “very serious internal injuries”, involving her uterus, intestines and private parts.
“She was also traumatised by the whole ordeal and may not be able to lead a normal life.” He asked for the court to impose the maximum sentence, as the victim was a young girl.
“How could he had done such a thing when he himself has two children?” he asked.
In mitigation, Kamalason, who represented himself in the hearing, asked for a lighter sentence, saying he had a wife, a mother and two children aged two and six to take care of.
My blood is practically boiling when i read just the headline!!
Is this person a human? I am pretty sure the animal kingdom would object loudly if i called him an animal!
Unfortunately, there are many more like this..... DEVIL! This devil is not fit to be a father! He is evil! Cases like this is why i am convinced that there is evil in this world! I'm not blaming this on the devil i'm saying HE IS THE DEVIL! HE is Satan's follower!
Some may say he is "sick". To me if he is sick then please put him down!
I know i am not GOD as such i cannot judge him. But,........... i can't help it Forgive me GOD but i have judged him and condemned him too. I have caste the stone at him even though i am not pure. To me his crime against such an innocent angel is just too violent and cruel for words.
To his family, I am very sorry that you have this,... devil as part of your family. May God protect you.
I hope that all those devil like him out there are caught and punished accordingly. If not in this life PLEASE GOD, Punish them in the next!To the little victim, my heart goest out to you, i will remember you in my prayers.May the angel watch over all the little ones, everywhere.
This is so meaningful to me my neice (14yrs old ) is obsessed with gettign fairer. Her own family calles her the "black sheep" just coz she is ther darkest one in the family! It is so sad.
To all the The Media PLEASE STOP selling white is better and that Dark is BAD!
To those of you Who says fair is lovely, Did you know that Black is Beauty?
This peom was taken from my friend Terri's (in UK) Blog. Thank you Terri.
Why Did You Make Me Black LordLord .. Why did you make me black?Why did you make someonethe world would hold back?Black is the color of dirty clothes,of grimy hands and feet...Black is the color of darkness,of tired beaten streets...
Why did you give me thick lips,a broad nose and kinky hair?Why did you create someonewho receives the hated stare?Black is the color of the bruised eyewhen someone gets hurt...Black is the color of darkness,black is the color of dirt.
Why is my bone structure so thick,my hips and cheeks so high?Why are my eyes brown,and not the color of the sky?Why do people think I'm useless?How come I feel so used?Why do people see my skinand think I should be abused?Lord, I just don't understand...
What is it about my skin?Why is it some people want to hate meand not know the person within?Black is what people are "Labeled"when others want to keep them away...Black is the color of shadows cast...Black is the end of the day.Lord you know my own people mistreat me,and you know this just ain't right...They don't like my hair, they don't like myskin, as they say I'm too dark or too light!Lord, don't you thinkit's time to make a change?
Why don't you redo creationand make everyone the same?
God's Reply:
Why did I make you black? Why did I make you black?I made you in the color of coalfrom which beautiful diamonds are formed...I made you in the color of oil,the black gold which keeps people warm.Your color is the same as the rich dark soilthat grows the food you need...
Your color is the same as the black stallion andpanther, Oh what majestic creatures indeed!All colors of the heavenly rainbowcan be found throughout every nation...When all these colors are blended,you become my greatest creation!
Your hair is the texture of lamb's wool,such a beautiful creature is he...I am the shepherd who watches them,I will ALWAYS watch over thee!You are the color of the midnight sky,I put star glitter in your eyes...There's a beautiful smile hidden behind your pain...That's why your cheeks are so high!You are the color of dark cloudsfrom the hurricanes I create in September...
I made your lips so full and thick,so when you kiss...they will remember!Your stature is strong,your bone structure thick to withstand theburden of time...The reflection you see in the mirror,that image that looks back, that is MINE!So get off your knees,look in the mirror and tell me what you see?I didn't make you in the image of darkness...
I made you in the image of ME!
To all the The Media PLEASE STOP selling white is better and that Dark is BAD!
To those of you Who says fair is lovely, Did you know that Black is Beauty?
This peom was taken from my friend Terri's (in UK) Blog. Thank you Terri.
Why Did You Make Me Black LordLord .. Why did you make me black?Why did you make someonethe world would hold back?Black is the color of dirty clothes,of grimy hands and feet...Black is the color of darkness,of tired beaten streets...
Why did you give me thick lips,a broad nose and kinky hair?Why did you create someonewho receives the hated stare?Black is the color of the bruised eyewhen someone gets hurt...Black is the color of darkness,black is the color of dirt.
Why is my bone structure so thick,my hips and cheeks so high?Why are my eyes brown,and not the color of the sky?Why do people think I'm useless?How come I feel so used?Why do people see my skinand think I should be abused?Lord, I just don't understand...
What is it about my skin?Why is it some people want to hate meand not know the person within?Black is what people are "Labeled"when others want to keep them away...Black is the color of shadows cast...Black is the end of the day.Lord you know my own people mistreat me,and you know this just ain't right...They don't like my hair, they don't like myskin, as they say I'm too dark or too light!Lord, don't you thinkit's time to make a change?
Why don't you redo creationand make everyone the same?
God's Reply:
Why did I make you black? Why did I make you black?I made you in the color of coalfrom which beautiful diamonds are formed...I made you in the color of oil,the black gold which keeps people warm.Your color is the same as the rich dark soilthat grows the food you need...
Your color is the same as the black stallion andpanther, Oh what majestic creatures indeed!All colors of the heavenly rainbowcan be found throughout every nation...When all these colors are blended,you become my greatest creation!
Your hair is the texture of lamb's wool,such a beautiful creature is he...I am the shepherd who watches them,I will ALWAYS watch over thee!You are the color of the midnight sky,I put star glitter in your eyes...There's a beautiful smile hidden behind your pain...That's why your cheeks are so high!You are the color of dark cloudsfrom the hurricanes I create in September...
I made your lips so full and thick,so when you kiss...they will remember!Your stature is strong,your bone structure thick to withstand theburden of time...The reflection you see in the mirror,that image that looks back, that is MINE!So get off your knees,look in the mirror and tell me what you see?I didn't make you in the image of darkness...
I made you in the image of ME!
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