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Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
I'm a simple parent, living a real everyday life.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God Loves you, Live Your Dreams!
Your God-Given Dream Is Meant to Come True.

Inside of each person there is a God-given dream that is meant to come true! God is a dreamer and He has created us in His image and with the ability to dream.
In order to live an abundant and prosperous life we are to use our ability to dream as a focal point, as we take action by implementing the ideas God gives us.

I believe God gives everyone ideas, but why are some people not pursuing their dreams? My theory is they may have had their hopes and dreams crushed too many times causing them to be fearful of dreaming any more. They have just adopted this attitude that "This is as good as it's ever gonna get, so let's just accept it."

Are you like that? Maybe you are afraid to get your hopes up in case "it doesn't work out." If it doesn't work out you will still be disappointed. You might as well get your hopes up and believe! Jesus said, "All things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23). But, "all things being possible" is a conditional statement because it is dependant on your belief, or disbelief.

So how do you start dreaming again? Since a dream is nothing more than a thought, or a series of thoughts, you begin there; by controlling your thoughts (you must control your thoughts or they will control you). Stop thinking negatively and begin to believe for great things. Search deep down for what it is that gets you excited. Find it, believe in it, and confess it.

It is vital that once you establish what it is that you want, that you back it up with words. Jesus said in Mark 11:23, "He who believes that those things which he says shall come to pass, shall have whatsoever he says."

It's a shame that so many people don't "get" that Scripture. They will get out of bed tomorrow and do the same thing they did yesterday. Doing the same work, seeing the same people, and complaining about the same things. And then the next day, the cycle will repeat itself. Day after day, week after week, year after year, and all of a sudden, life on earth will be over, and they will not have experienced what God had intended for them all along.

That's why Proverbs 29:18 says, "Without a vision the people perish." There is a God-given dream inside you, but it may have just gotten buried under all the cares of your life. You must dig it out because you must absolutely have a vision, or a dream, for your life! Your dream is what will cause you to jump out of bed in the morning instead of waking up with anxiety and dread for the day ahead.

When you first wake up every morning, immediately begin to focus on your dream. If you don't, you'll find it very easy to become discouraged and start complaining about things. This is definitely no way to start your day! Your God-given dream is meant to come true!

I have forgotten to dream,
I have forgotten how great God's love for me is.
I have forgotten to turn to him in all my problems.
I have forgotten He said "Ask, and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find, Knock and the door will be opened unto you."
So I'm reminding myself to "Ask, Seek & Find" and i will dream!
To you my friends, I hope you rekindle your dreams.
May God Bless you all of you and your loved ones it doesn't matter who you are you are children of God!

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