My friend was just telling me today that her mom will be going on a holiday again, she just got back from a trip to Phuket.
Thinking about her mom having it much easier now after years for struggling on her own (a widow of 18years with 7 kids to raise alone!).
I suppose it was way tougher then compared to life nowadays. Being a Single Parent i tend to sympathise with all single parents no matter if they had a tough life or an easy one i feel it may just seem easy to the untrained eye.
Like for me, I get by day to day, after some time things just becomes a routine and somehow you kind of get used to it. But still you are lonely, tired, many times discouraged and desparate fo get to thru to the next month.
Anyway back to what i was thinking about initially, I just hope that when my daughter is an adult she too will tell me "Mama, why don't you go for a holiday? all expenses paid for of cause!" Wow wouldn't that be nice!
But then again it's never wise to hope and think that one day your kids will do this or that for you.
I was raised by a single mother too. No matter how much I as her daughter wanted to make her life easier, by buying a house for her, working and having enough money so she wil never have to work a day in her life again, sending her on a holiday to Australia,etc,... it never happened.
So What my mom may have hope for from us her kids, i'm very sure it never materialised.
I too must not hope on my daughter because to do so would just bring disappointment later on.
As parents we tend to put alot of our dreams on to our children. Dreams of our kids loving us so much, dreams of them doing so well, dreams of them so sucessful in life that it's just automatically assumed that in our our old age, they will look after us.
We are parents, it is not our right to ask to be taken care of when we are old it is our duty to take care of our children. It is a rare priviledge that our kids would want to and are able to care for us when the time comes.
I'm sure many of you would disagree with what i've said but this is my opinion.
Only very fortunate and blessed parents who have kids that will watch over them and care for them in thier old age.
They are very very blessed when their kids are able and willing to do so. We cannot fault them if they are willing but are unable to afford to look after us.
So we as old parents of the future, what are we to do when the time comes?
And that is my reflection for today.