I just wish to lend my prayers for all those in ISA right now.
I also pray for the 23 persons who are summoned to court today for attending the No to ISA Candle light vigil which has been peaceful thus far but according to the police, they are law breakers because it was an illegal assembly.
Just another of my thoughts here, Is it an 'illegal assembly' to attend mass in church? it's a gathering of more then 4 persons. Does the church have permits to hold mass? what about weddings? I mean it's a gathering of more then 4 people in one spot, wat?! sometimes we light candles too!
When my family go to the cemetery to visit my mom's grave, we , let's see, that's me, my daughter, my sister, her son, my grandma, my brother, hmm that's more then 4 with kids involved too, and we light candles too! So do we need to get a permit for that?
Just wondering. What about if we go to the lake gardens with friends and family for picnic, we need a permit now right? i heard of some police telling ppl picnicking to disperse too recently.
Better to just keep applying every time we go somewhere and there's more then 4 people in the group la!
About Me

- A.Parent
- Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- I'm a simple parent, living a real everyday life.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the Arabic word "Allah".
Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh]
pronunciation (help·info)) is the standard Arabic word for 'God.'[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God".[2][1][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]
The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among the traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters, a concept strongly opposed by Islam. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. All other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah.[5] Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator of the universe and omnipotent.[2][1] Arab Christians today, having no other word for 'God' than Allah,[6] use terms such as Allāh al-ʼAb ( الله الأب) "God the Father". There are both similarities and differences between the concept of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible.[7]
Unicode has a codepoint reserved for Allāh, ﷲ = U+FDF2.[8] Many Arabic type fonts feature special ligatures for Allah.[9
There you have it!
So why En Syed Hamid Albar (know that I wish to call you something else but with due respect to your parents who named you I'll let it stand)
Why are you so against another religion using Allah? Why is it so important for you to have the last say?
It just makes more people dislike you and your people! Do you represent all UMNO & Malays in Malaysia?
Does every other Muslim Malaysian feel as you do? Are the Catholics hurting all Muslims Malaysian by our use of the word Allah in Bahasa Malaysia?
Tell me are the Indonesian Christians who are in Malaysia right now do they have to cease using Allah too?
What about all the Jewish people of Arabic decent are too not allowed to use Allah when they pray?
Are you going to tell the Orang Asli, Ibans, Dayak, Kadazans, etc, Those who are Christians & who's bibles are in BM to stop reading their bibles and prayer books and songs just because they have the word Allah in them?
Your selfish and narrow-mindedness is very worrying. You know I am not worried by the people of other faiths feeling hurt by the catholics use of the word Allah because I am confident they understand that we are worshiping the ONE GOD ALMIGHTY for there is only one GOD as you believe as we believe in Him we are all brothers and sisters. His command is that we love one another not to make war on each other but to create love. You have a great misconception of God and you have lost your way.
You know En Syed Hamid Albar, God doesn't belong to to you but you belong to Him. God is for everyone. We all belong to God. So a bit of advise, be humble, get off your high horse, quit looking down your nose at the rest of us. For God is Great and He will hand out His justice it's all in His Time!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the Arabic word "Allah".
Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh]
pronunciation (help·info)) is the standard Arabic word for 'God.'[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God".[2][1][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]
The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among the traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters, a concept strongly opposed by Islam. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. All other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah.[5] Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator of the universe and omnipotent.[2][1] Arab Christians today, having no other word for 'God' than Allah,[6] use terms such as Allāh al-ʼAb ( الله الأب) "God the Father". There are both similarities and differences between the concept of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible.[7]
Unicode has a codepoint reserved for Allāh, ﷲ = U+FDF2.[8] Many Arabic type fonts feature special ligatures for Allah.[9
There you have it!
So why En Syed Hamid Albar (know that I wish to call you something else but with due respect to your parents who named you I'll let it stand)
Why are you so against another religion using Allah? Why is it so important for you to have the last say?
It just makes more people dislike you and your people! Do you represent all UMNO & Malays in Malaysia?
Does every other Muslim Malaysian feel as you do? Are the Catholics hurting all Muslims Malaysian by our use of the word Allah in Bahasa Malaysia?
Tell me are the Indonesian Christians who are in Malaysia right now do they have to cease using Allah too?
What about all the Jewish people of Arabic decent are too not allowed to use Allah when they pray?
Are you going to tell the Orang Asli, Ibans, Dayak, Kadazans, etc, Those who are Christians & who's bibles are in BM to stop reading their bibles and prayer books and songs just because they have the word Allah in them?
Your selfish and narrow-mindedness is very worrying. You know I am not worried by the people of other faiths feeling hurt by the catholics use of the word Allah because I am confident they understand that we are worshiping the ONE GOD ALMIGHTY for there is only one GOD as you believe as we believe in Him we are all brothers and sisters. His command is that we love one another not to make war on each other but to create love. You have a great misconception of God and you have lost your way.
You know En Syed Hamid Albar, God doesn't belong to to you but you belong to Him. God is for everyone. We all belong to God. So a bit of advise, be humble, get off your high horse, quit looking down your nose at the rest of us. For God is Great and He will hand out His justice it's all in His Time!
Reported by NST: 22/01/09 Thursday.
There was drama at the Sessions Court yesterday when an elderly woman refused to post bail for her daughter and her boyfriend who were charged with abusing her four-year-old son.
“I don’t want to bail them. I’ve seen them abusing the boy. Why did the man kill my grandson?” N. Saroja said in anger when asked by judge Zainal Abidin Kamarudin whether she wanted to bail her daughter.Before proceedings started, Saroja was seen crying when she told the two policemen in the court that she did not want to see her daughter at the court lock-up.R. Chittra Devi, 30, and R. Vigneswaran, 27, both unemployed, were jointly charged with abusing N. Iswaran by causing physical injuries at Chittra’s house E-32, Level 1, Taman Kok Doh, Segambut, in Sentul between November 2008 and Jan 7.They pleaded not guilty.
When Zainal Abidin asked where the child was, deputy public prosecutor Lee Keng Fatt said Iswaran had died.Lee also told the court that Chittra was a divorcee and Vigneswaran was her boyfriend. Iswaran was Chittra’s son from her first marriage.Lee proposed bail at RM10,000 each with one surety.When the judge asked Vigneswaran who would stand surety for him, he said none of his family members were in court as they were not informed that he would be charged today.However, investigating officer Assistant Superintendent Mohd Idris Omar told the court that Vigneswaran’s wife had been informed.“He is married with three children. When he was arrested at his home, his wife was there,” Mohd Idris said.Zainal Abidin fixed Feb 27 for mention.When the court adjourned, Saroja went to see both accused at the lock-up and she yelled at Vigneswaran: “You’re a dog! You’re a dog!” It was reported that Iswaran was hit with a hammer and burnt with a cigarette lighter because he had urinated on his bed about 5.35am on Jan 7.The boy was taken to Selayang Hospital by neighbours but was pronounced dead 20 minutes later.
addthis_pub = 'nstonline';
I cannot stomach how much cruelity this little child has endured! God has finally taken this child away! Why didn't anyone help this child?! How can the mother abuse her own flesh and blood!
She choose her boyfren over her son! I'm sorry i'm judging her but i cannot help it!
I'm a single mom too, i'm in a relationship too. yet i cannot ever imagine urting my child or allowing anyone to hurt my child! My flesh and blood comes 1st over anyone!
I suppose if she was being abused as well she may have allowed it to happen. I know i have no right to judge her or anyone and i am not qualified to talk about this too but there are other ways to act.
there was some i know who's a single mom too. she remarried. the step father was abusing her son she didn't want it to continue at the same time she didn't want to lose her husband she decided to give up her son instead knowing he will be better off. What she did and how she did it was not right in some of our eyes but she did the best to her capability. And what i read today it proves she did the right thing!
I pray i be a good mother and i pray my child will never be harmed ever by anyone and i pray she Will always be happy and healthy.
May God protect and bless all the little angels he put on earth. May all the innocent children especially those who are suffering right this very minute be saved.
There was drama at the Sessions Court yesterday when an elderly woman refused to post bail for her daughter and her boyfriend who were charged with abusing her four-year-old son.
“I don’t want to bail them. I’ve seen them abusing the boy. Why did the man kill my grandson?” N. Saroja said in anger when asked by judge Zainal Abidin Kamarudin whether she wanted to bail her daughter.Before proceedings started, Saroja was seen crying when she told the two policemen in the court that she did not want to see her daughter at the court lock-up.R. Chittra Devi, 30, and R. Vigneswaran, 27, both unemployed, were jointly charged with abusing N. Iswaran by causing physical injuries at Chittra’s house E-32, Level 1, Taman Kok Doh, Segambut, in Sentul between November 2008 and Jan 7.They pleaded not guilty.
When Zainal Abidin asked where the child was, deputy public prosecutor Lee Keng Fatt said Iswaran had died.Lee also told the court that Chittra was a divorcee and Vigneswaran was her boyfriend. Iswaran was Chittra’s son from her first marriage.Lee proposed bail at RM10,000 each with one surety.When the judge asked Vigneswaran who would stand surety for him, he said none of his family members were in court as they were not informed that he would be charged today.However, investigating officer Assistant Superintendent Mohd Idris Omar told the court that Vigneswaran’s wife had been informed.“He is married with three children. When he was arrested at his home, his wife was there,” Mohd Idris said.Zainal Abidin fixed Feb 27 for mention.When the court adjourned, Saroja went to see both accused at the lock-up and she yelled at Vigneswaran: “You’re a dog! You’re a dog!” It was reported that Iswaran was hit with a hammer and burnt with a cigarette lighter because he had urinated on his bed about 5.35am on Jan 7.The boy was taken to Selayang Hospital by neighbours but was pronounced dead 20 minutes later.
addthis_pub = 'nstonline';
I cannot stomach how much cruelity this little child has endured! God has finally taken this child away! Why didn't anyone help this child?! How can the mother abuse her own flesh and blood!
She choose her boyfren over her son! I'm sorry i'm judging her but i cannot help it!
I'm a single mom too, i'm in a relationship too. yet i cannot ever imagine urting my child or allowing anyone to hurt my child! My flesh and blood comes 1st over anyone!
I suppose if she was being abused as well she may have allowed it to happen. I know i have no right to judge her or anyone and i am not qualified to talk about this too but there are other ways to act.
there was some i know who's a single mom too. she remarried. the step father was abusing her son she didn't want it to continue at the same time she didn't want to lose her husband she decided to give up her son instead knowing he will be better off. What she did and how she did it was not right in some of our eyes but she did the best to her capability. And what i read today it proves she did the right thing!
I pray i be a good mother and i pray my child will never be harmed ever by anyone and i pray she Will always be happy and healthy.
May God protect and bless all the little angels he put on earth. May all the innocent children especially those who are suffering right this very minute be saved.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday January 20, 2009
DAP ‘owes non-Muslims an apology for supporting PAS’
KUALA LUMPUR: The DAP owes non-Muslims an apology for campaigning for PAS in the Kuala Terengganu by-election as it was tantamount to helping the Islamist party establish theocratic rule, said MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew.
However, he noted that DAP’s support for PAS in Kuala Terengganu was rejected by the Chinese community there.
“The bureau is deeply consoled that the Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu made a rational choice to support the Barisan Nasional.
“This indicates the Chinese there had not been blinded by DAP and had utterly rejected the ideology of theocratic rule in the country,” he said in a statement.
Gan accused the DAP of assisting PAS to realise the dream of theocratic rule just because it (DAP) wanted to gain power.
He said the DAP’s action would help PAS grow stronger and this was a disastrous threat to the future generations of Malaysians
Now why should DAP appologies forPAS?
IS sounds very much like this MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew guy is racist to me. Well he really makes it look like he's rasict with his remarks! Is he trying to tell the Chinese people in KT that Muslims are Bad? or Malays are bad? if this is this man's oppinion then i for one do not trust him in any leadership post!
BTW, i'm a malaysian and a catholic. my mom's of chinese heritage and my dad is of indian heritage., I'm very malaysian!
DAP ‘owes non-Muslims an apology for supporting PAS’
KUALA LUMPUR: The DAP owes non-Muslims an apology for campaigning for PAS in the Kuala Terengganu by-election as it was tantamount to helping the Islamist party establish theocratic rule, said MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew.
However, he noted that DAP’s support for PAS in Kuala Terengganu was rejected by the Chinese community there.
“The bureau is deeply consoled that the Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu made a rational choice to support the Barisan Nasional.
“This indicates the Chinese there had not been blinded by DAP and had utterly rejected the ideology of theocratic rule in the country,” he said in a statement.
Gan accused the DAP of assisting PAS to realise the dream of theocratic rule just because it (DAP) wanted to gain power.
He said the DAP’s action would help PAS grow stronger and this was a disastrous threat to the future generations of Malaysians
Now why should DAP appologies forPAS?
IS sounds very much like this MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew guy is racist to me. Well he really makes it look like he's rasict with his remarks! Is he trying to tell the Chinese people in KT that Muslims are Bad? or Malays are bad? if this is this man's oppinion then i for one do not trust him in any leadership post!
BTW, i'm a malaysian and a catholic. my mom's of chinese heritage and my dad is of indian heritage., I'm very malaysian!
I do hope people do not get seduced by this kind of talk from 'BS' politicians!
Monday, January 19, 2009
This weekend, I bought a single mattress for my little one. It was because I’ve finally accepted the fact that she has grown up to a 4 yr old and no longer a little baby. I feel so sad like I lost my baby yet I’m so proud that she’s grown tall!
She was so very excited when she saw the new mattress. She has been sleeping in her baby bed on the floor right beside me for over a year now, For the past 3 months plus/minus a month her legs has been almost hanging over. Friday night she said she wanted to sleep on her own mattress by herself in her own room! It made me so proud and broke my heart at the same time! And ever since Friday night she’s has ‘abandoned’ my side and has been sleeping on her own in her room on her new mattress. While I’ve been getting very little sleep! (Waking up at every little sound, creeping into her room to check on her).
I’m so mixed up. You see, on one hand, I am so proud of her for being so independent and on the other, I try not to cry as I miss my baby girl so very much. I suppose I will have to adjust to this, as sooner or later she’ll start pushing further and further out of my protective arms. Soon she will be too embarrassed to be carried or cuddle by me and I dread that day.
On Sunday in while I was shopping with her for toiletries, she just suddenly hugged me and said “I love you Mama” and thinking of it today, I get so choked up. My little princess is a very loving caring person and I am so proud of her. She does many little things when you least expect it that shows what a great big heart she has in that tiny body of hers. I’m not saying she’s an angel ! Very far from it actually! She’s very prone to her tantrums, her kicking, sulking, whining, etc, but it never last long.
I feel terrible thinking about how sometimes I get so irritated with her for being naughty especially the times when I come home late from work and still has to fix dinner, and chores are yet to be settled and she gets naughty. Those times I scold her and punish her so quickly that may be she didn’t really deserve the punishment for the minor mischief she’s done? I am sorry for all those times I scolded her so soundly that it made her cry.
I just hope that she becomes a better person then I am and I hope she knows that I love her so much and that I cannot imagine what a bleak & empty place my life would be if she had never been born to me!
And if I forget to tell her today, I better mark it down now,… “Baby, Mama loves you so so so so very much, forever and ever, no matter what.”
Love Forever,
This weekend, I bought a single mattress for my little one. It was because I’ve finally accepted the fact that she has grown up to a 4 yr old and no longer a little baby. I feel so sad like I lost my baby yet I’m so proud that she’s grown tall!
She was so very excited when she saw the new mattress. She has been sleeping in her baby bed on the floor right beside me for over a year now, For the past 3 months plus/minus a month her legs has been almost hanging over. Friday night she said she wanted to sleep on her own mattress by herself in her own room! It made me so proud and broke my heart at the same time! And ever since Friday night she’s has ‘abandoned’ my side and has been sleeping on her own in her room on her new mattress. While I’ve been getting very little sleep! (Waking up at every little sound, creeping into her room to check on her).
I’m so mixed up. You see, on one hand, I am so proud of her for being so independent and on the other, I try not to cry as I miss my baby girl so very much. I suppose I will have to adjust to this, as sooner or later she’ll start pushing further and further out of my protective arms. Soon she will be too embarrassed to be carried or cuddle by me and I dread that day.
On Sunday in while I was shopping with her for toiletries, she just suddenly hugged me and said “I love you Mama” and thinking of it today, I get so choked up. My little princess is a very loving caring person and I am so proud of her. She does many little things when you least expect it that shows what a great big heart she has in that tiny body of hers. I’m not saying she’s an angel ! Very far from it actually! She’s very prone to her tantrums, her kicking, sulking, whining, etc, but it never last long.
I feel terrible thinking about how sometimes I get so irritated with her for being naughty especially the times when I come home late from work and still has to fix dinner, and chores are yet to be settled and she gets naughty. Those times I scold her and punish her so quickly that may be she didn’t really deserve the punishment for the minor mischief she’s done? I am sorry for all those times I scolded her so soundly that it made her cry.
I just hope that she becomes a better person then I am and I hope she knows that I love her so much and that I cannot imagine what a bleak & empty place my life would be if she had never been born to me!
And if I forget to tell her today, I better mark it down now,… “Baby, Mama loves you so so so so very much, forever and ever, no matter what.”
Love Forever,
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