Here are the main verses on 666, the mark of the beast:
- Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
Malaysia tests ID chips for embedding in bodies
Tue 9 September 2003 09:51AM BSTYour cat's got one, your dog's got one... how long before you have one too? Malaysian government has acquired rights to chips that can embed identity tags into cash, passports or even human bodies.
The government has acquired intellectual property rights to the chip - now dubbed the Malaysian Microchip (MM) - from Japanese research and development (R&D) company FEC, which designed it.
The chip can replace barcode tags in retail goods, and can be inserted into the human body, animals, bullets, credit cards and other items for verification purposes, said the report.
The made-in-Malaysia microchip measuring 0.5 mm X 0.5 mm - the size of a decimal point - uses the radio frequency identification (RFID) chip technology, and costs around six pence each to produce.
A platform for the application of the chip's underlying technology is currently being set up and is scheduled to be completed before the end of the year.
The microchip would be manufactured in Japan early next year but production would eventually move to a factory in Malaysia's northern Kedah state belonging to state-owned wafer fabrication firm Silterra, the country's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said in the report.
The MM is a multi-band RFID chip, which means that it would also be usable in the US and Europe, which have adopted a different RFID frequency standard from that in Japan, FEC officials said in the report.
Japanese firms are at the forefront of RFID technology. Hitachi, for example, is rumoured to be developing a speck-sized radio chip to be embedded into Euro currency notes as a security measure. At a recent Japan trade show, a demonstration of RFID technology allows retailers to track the movements of a consumer in a book store.
I recently had a conversation with a friend about the Mark of the beast and she told me that we in Malaysia already have it. I said that it'll be a long time before they make us get the chip in our bodies as every single thing needs so much time to be approved and tested etc etc.
Anyway the conversation went on to the subject of Doomsday, for us the Second coming of Christ and how all the signs are already here like the very peculiar weather, the volcano eruptions, the floods, the Tsunamis, the earth quakes, the fires, the horrific accidents and most recently even the zodiac signs!
However, I didn't know that my little girl (6yrs old) & my friend's daughter (11yrs old) over heard us talking about it and they had a conversation of their own about it.
When we came home that night my daughter asked me what it all meant and I feel I did not explain it satisfactorily to her in terms for her to understand and not get her frightened as well as not actually lie to her.
Anyway what I told her was that she had nothing to worry about as it is not going to happen for a very very long time, probably long after we all are longer around.
Well, after finally putting her to sleep, I had trouble sleeping. We tend to think like many people do, that it's far away and not going to affect us. For me though that night I had a feeling of 'what if' it's not really that far away? What if it happens in the next 2 years or 5 years?
So i went online and did some research and i found the links above.
Yes we are already in it! Malaysia has been using this chip (RFID) in touch n go for some time now, I think the 1st was the chip in our international passports. So it may very well not be much longer before we start hearing news that we have to get a chip implanted in our hands (or where ever) for purchasing, documentation, medical etc.
Then it came to me this question, what if this really is the Mark of the Beast in the Bible's Revelations? Am i willing to get marked? Will I allow my kids to be marked? What will happen if I do not want to be marked? And finally, how long more do we have?
What do you think?
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