The New Straits Times Online: 2 youngsters killed in crash
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The headline made me feel very sad for the lost of such young lives. However, after I read this article, I was perplexed. Why was a 14yr old riding a motorbike and sending her 20 yr old sister to work? I am sure the 14 yr old has no license as such why was she allowed to ride the bike? why did the family allow it?! and isn't the motor bike built to carry just 2 passengers on it? why was the 2 yr old on the bike as well?
This is how it is in Malaysia!
We as responsible adults allow this to happen, We allow our loved one to break the rules. We show them by bad examples to break traffic laws. As such it is our fault that these very young babies has had their lives cut short.
The rear seat belt rule has been in place for the past 6 months yet everyday while driving to and from work or around town even on the highway I see rear passengers in the car without seat belts on. Mainly i see kids standing in the car!
I am a parent too. My child refused to buckle up in the car too. She is very stubborn but after the 1st 10 arguments and lots of wailing and tantrums, now she tell me to not move the car until she is safely buckled up in it. My secret was i told her that from the 1st of January 2009 she is in charge of the back passengers, she can scold anyone who doesn't listen to her instruction to buckle up in the car. And it works! many of my adult friends has had the unfortunate experience of getting a telling off from my 4 yr old for not buckling up when in the car. She helps My grand ma to buckle up too. And I am very proud of her.
It is not easy to get kids in to a new habit, yes i know, but no matter how stubborn they are we are still the responsible ones, we are responsible for their safety, for their lives.
It's the same as wearing a helmet when riding a bike. Riding or driving without a license. running a red light, not using the indicator when turning left or right, cutting ques, etc.
And thinking back on all these bad habits we has adults do and teach our young to do, I am very ashamed and filled with guilt. For me, I will make it my priority to follow the laws more stringently no matter how late i am or how empty the road is. I will make sure i do not be a bad example to the young children around me.
About Me

- A.Parent
- Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
- I'm a simple parent, living a real everyday life.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A dedication to you mummy.
I wish for just one more time to see your face, looking at your photo is just not enough,
I wish just once more to hug you close.
I can still remember the last hug i gave you was the 1st day i saw you in hospital, Wednesday 3rd March 2004.
You were so weak.
So different from the last time I saw you, when you were strong and healthy and you hug me tightly, ironically also a Wednesday 17th Dec 2003 The day I left you at the airport.
I wish with all my heart to go back in time and re-do every action & every word that i had said that had caused you hurt.
I wish that the day i became a mother myself that you were there with me,
but,... you were not and you will never be here again.
I wish with every fibre of my body to be able to wish you a Happy Mother's day you your sweet face, instead of standing over your grave and reminising all those Mother's days we spent together before and wondering if you know that I love you Mummy, and I miss you so very much, that 5 years is still not long enough to lessen the pain of losing you.
But as a mother too now, I know how much you love me, how much you love us your children.
You showed us your love with all your care and strugle to bring us up.
I wish when my turn comes too, my daughter knows how much I love her, just as I know how much you love me.
Happy Mother's Day, Mummy, Rest in peace.
Happy Mother’s Day!
When I had you in my belly
I thought that was the most wonderful feeling that any woman can feel
When I gave birth to you I thought you were the most beautiful baby in the world
When you made your first mumble I thought that was the most beautiful song to my ears
When you said your first word I thought that was the happiest day in my life
When you made your first step I thought that was the biggest achievement that I’ve made
when you had your first fever I thought; what did I do wrong? And I was really worried That I requested to stay home just to take care of you
Then when you cry, I would be worried. Are you hungry, or thirsty, or in pain? Or are you just sleepy?
When you are asleep, I would be worried. Are you comfortable, are you warm enough? Or should I put your favourite teddy bear next to you?
When you first attended school I was worried, would you be safe there?
Would there be anyone disturbing you, or hurting you?
Can I leave you in school all by yourself?
When I saw little children anywhere , I would be reminded of you
Because my little angel is at home, safe and sound
There are no perfect words to describe how much I love you my child
No matter how angry i am at you in that minute, It's forgotten with the love that I have for you the very next minute
It’s not possible that I would stop loving you my child,
No matter what your feelings are towards me,
For I would sacrifice anything & Everything that I have
Just to make sure that you are happy, healthy and safe
When I think about my life,
I know my life is perfect,
You made it perfect when you came into my world
I know then my life would be empty with out you my dearest child.
I love you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
If any one has seen this child Please help!

KUALA LUMPUR: A 1-year-old boy has gone missing from his home and his family suspects that he has fallen into the hands of a human trafficking syndicate.
The toddler, Kee Hao Kit, was believed to have been abducted by a worker in his father's coconut plantation in Sungai Air Tawar, Sabak Ber- nam, Selangor, 12 days ago.To date, his family has not received any ransom demand for his release.Hao Kit's parents, Kee Bak Siang and Tan Lay Khiaw, are worried that their only child may have been smuggled out of the country."Nobody has contacted me for a ransom. He is just a baby," said Kee, 33, adding that the family did not have enemies nor did he owe anyone money.
Hao Kit went missing on April 10, when his mother Tan, left their house to go to a nearby shop at 4pm. She left her son in the care of her nephew and niece, both aged 13.As she was leaving the house, Tan saw three men at her back door who claimed they were waiting for her husband."One of them was our gardener, who started working for us five days earlier. He was from Sabah."When Tan returned home half an hour later, her nephew and niece were playing in front of the house but the baby was nowhere to be found. The two teenagers did not know that the baby had disappeared.Witnesses told the grieving parents that they saw the child with their gardener who was riding a motorcycle.The gardener has since gone missing and his mobile phone number is no longer in service."I can't asleep at night. Hao Kit is still a baby and needs me to comfort and feed him," said Tan, a housewife.They have lodged a police report and have sought the help of the media to highlight their baby's disappearance.A woman contacted them recently, claiming she had seen Hao Kit in Taman Maluri, Cheras. Police checked out the tip-off but to no avail.Yesterday, the couple sought the assistance of MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong.The couple urged those who had seen their son to contact them or a nearby police station. They can be contacted at 016-5963109 and the department at 03-21615678.
The toddler, Kee Hao Kit, was believed to have been abducted by a worker in his father's coconut plantation in Sungai Air Tawar, Sabak Ber- nam, Selangor, 12 days ago.To date, his family has not received any ransom demand for his release.Hao Kit's parents, Kee Bak Siang and Tan Lay Khiaw, are worried that their only child may have been smuggled out of the country."Nobody has contacted me for a ransom. He is just a baby," said Kee, 33, adding that the family did not have enemies nor did he owe anyone money.
Hao Kit went missing on April 10, when his mother Tan, left their house to go to a nearby shop at 4pm. She left her son in the care of her nephew and niece, both aged 13.As she was leaving the house, Tan saw three men at her back door who claimed they were waiting for her husband."One of them was our gardener, who started working for us five days earlier. He was from Sabah."When Tan returned home half an hour later, her nephew and niece were playing in front of the house but the baby was nowhere to be found. The two teenagers did not know that the baby had disappeared.Witnesses told the grieving parents that they saw the child with their gardener who was riding a motorcycle.The gardener has since gone missing and his mobile phone number is no longer in service."I can't asleep at night. Hao Kit is still a baby and needs me to comfort and feed him," said Tan, a housewife.They have lodged a police report and have sought the help of the media to highlight their baby's disappearance.A woman contacted them recently, claiming she had seen Hao Kit in Taman Maluri, Cheras. Police checked out the tip-off but to no avail.Yesterday, the couple sought the assistance of MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong.The couple urged those who had seen their son to contact them or a nearby police station. They can be contacted at 016-5963109 and the department at 03-21615678.
As a parent I cannot imagine what agony the child's parents are going through.
Please i beg anyone who has any information to help soon.!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am totally creeped out!
Police: Abducted toddler sodomised
KUALA TERENGGANU: A two-year-old toddler from Kampung Buroh in Setiu near here, who was found hours after he was kidnapped while sleeping beside his mother, was also sodomised.
Setiu police, who rescued the toddler last week, were shocked when a a medical report by paediatricians revealed yesterday that the victim was sodomised.
Setiu OCPD Supt Shaikh Othman Abd Hamid said the toddler was found abandoned beside a river by police hours after the missing persons report was lodged at 6.18am on April 11.
He said the child was clad in a towel and was crying when he was discovered about 200m from his house.
Supt Shaikh said the child was then sent to Setiu hospital where doctors found abrasions on his anus and swell marks on his private part.
He said the child was abducted from his house after the kidnapper gained entry by prising open a glass window and climbing into the kitchen. He said the toddler was asleep beside his 36-year-old mother when he was taken away.
Supt Shaikh said the mother realised that the child was missing when she woke up to feed him.
The mother also found the child’s napkin at the kitchen window when she went searching for him.
At 5.20am that day, she sought the help of her neighbour, who took her to a police station.
Supt Shaikh said the toddler’s father was away at work in Pulau Redang when the abduction
What the hell is the world coming to?!
My skin is crawling after reading this!
WHY are humans so very vicious! I cannot imagine what kind of perverts are out there!
Just by reading it I get the horrible feeling that the pervert who did it was probably someone near and probably knows the victim and the family too!
Have the police managed to catch any one of this sick perverts living around us?
Have they been punished before?
Can we have harsher laws for them? Can we the general public, be made aware if there are any perverts living within our midst?
I as a parent would like to know if anyone living in my area has ever been convicted as a pedophile. That way i know i can keep my family away from them.
Tonight will be another nigth filled with nightmares for me!
KUALA TERENGGANU: A two-year-old toddler from Kampung Buroh in Setiu near here, who was found hours after he was kidnapped while sleeping beside his mother, was also sodomised.
Setiu police, who rescued the toddler last week, were shocked when a a medical report by paediatricians revealed yesterday that the victim was sodomised.
Setiu OCPD Supt Shaikh Othman Abd Hamid said the toddler was found abandoned beside a river by police hours after the missing persons report was lodged at 6.18am on April 11.
He said the child was clad in a towel and was crying when he was discovered about 200m from his house.
Supt Shaikh said the child was then sent to Setiu hospital where doctors found abrasions on his anus and swell marks on his private part.
He said the child was abducted from his house after the kidnapper gained entry by prising open a glass window and climbing into the kitchen. He said the toddler was asleep beside his 36-year-old mother when he was taken away.
Supt Shaikh said the mother realised that the child was missing when she woke up to feed him.
The mother also found the child’s napkin at the kitchen window when she went searching for him.
At 5.20am that day, she sought the help of her neighbour, who took her to a police station.
Supt Shaikh said the toddler’s father was away at work in Pulau Redang when the abduction
What the hell is the world coming to?!
My skin is crawling after reading this!
WHY are humans so very vicious! I cannot imagine what kind of perverts are out there!
Just by reading it I get the horrible feeling that the pervert who did it was probably someone near and probably knows the victim and the family too!
Have the police managed to catch any one of this sick perverts living around us?
Have they been punished before?
Can we have harsher laws for them? Can we the general public, be made aware if there are any perverts living within our midst?
I as a parent would like to know if anyone living in my area has ever been convicted as a pedophile. That way i know i can keep my family away from them.
Tonight will be another nigth filled with nightmares for me!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Earth Hour
I wish to invite all people to join Earth Hour
I joined. I'm prticipating. It only takes one person one step at a time.
God Bless!
I joined. I'm prticipating. It only takes one person one step at a time.
God Bless!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Child abuse in Malaysia!

Baby dies after being tossed onto mattress
A four-month-old baby girl died yesterday after she was believed to have been thrown onto a mattress at home in Sungai Ara, here.
The father, 35, a plumber, was said to have been angered by the baby's incessant cry and threw her onto the mattress. South-west district police chief, Supt Hatta Mohd Zain said the man and his wife, 30, claimed they rushed their daughter to the Penang Hospital about 4pm when the baby became unconscious."After examining the baby, the doctor certified her dead," he said.Hatta said the doctor found bruises and injuries on the baby's face, believed to be caused by pinching, as well as scratches on the ears and a bruise on her forehead.
"The father is remanded for six days to help in the police investigation, and a urine test found him positive with heroin," he added. -- BERNAMA
KLANG, Sat: A man sodomised his seven-year-old daughter last week, while, in another case, a brother forced his younger sister to perform oral sex.
A doctor at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital lodged a police report on Thursday after a rectal examination on a seven-year-old girl revealed numerous tears in her anus.The girl, a Standard One pupil from Rantau Panjang, Klang, had been taken to the hospital after complaining of pain in her anus.A police source said: “The doctor was initially reluctant to release the victim back into her mother’s care but had no choice.” Following the report, a second medical examination was conducted on the victim and the results were conclusive, indicating that she had been sodomised.
It is learnt that the victim’s father, a lorry driver aged 47, has since gone into hiding. ………………………………..........................................................................In the second incident, a 19-year-old man is being sought by police after he is said to have sexually assaulted both his younger sisters on Wednesday at their home in Taman Seri Putra, Banting.The suspect is said to have pulled his sisters, aged 11 and 8, into the bedroom, while their parents were away. He allegedly pushed the 11-year-old girl onto the bed and kissed her.The suspect is then said to have dragged both girls into the toilet where he ordered the younger girl to perform oral sex on him.He then warned the girls to keep quiet about the incident. However, the elder girl told her mother what happened when she returned home.The mother lodged a report at the Banting police station. It is understood that a similar incident had occurred in the past when the family lived in Kelantan.However, at that time, the mother did not believe her daughter. Medical examinations indicated neither of the girls had been raped.Selangor CID chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Hasnan Hassan said police were looking for the two suspects.
I am very troubled by these news lately!
Why are there so many children’s death, abuse and abandoned?
We as parents have to safe guard them not kill them!!!
Today I pray for the innocent children, the babies!
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 19:14
Buddha Said
If one harms the innocent, suffering will come in these ten ways. He may suffer grief, infirmity, painful accident, serious illness, loss of mind, legal prosecution, fearful accusation, family bereavement, or financial loss; or his house may burn down, and after death he may be thrown into the fire of suffering.
A four-month-old baby girl died yesterday after she was believed to have been thrown onto a mattress at home in Sungai Ara, here.
The father, 35, a plumber, was said to have been angered by the baby's incessant cry and threw her onto the mattress. South-west district police chief, Supt Hatta Mohd Zain said the man and his wife, 30, claimed they rushed their daughter to the Penang Hospital about 4pm when the baby became unconscious."After examining the baby, the doctor certified her dead," he said.Hatta said the doctor found bruises and injuries on the baby's face, believed to be caused by pinching, as well as scratches on the ears and a bruise on her forehead.
"The father is remanded for six days to help in the police investigation, and a urine test found him positive with heroin," he added. -- BERNAMA
KLANG, Sat: A man sodomised his seven-year-old daughter last week, while, in another case, a brother forced his younger sister to perform oral sex.
A doctor at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital lodged a police report on Thursday after a rectal examination on a seven-year-old girl revealed numerous tears in her anus.The girl, a Standard One pupil from Rantau Panjang, Klang, had been taken to the hospital after complaining of pain in her anus.A police source said: “The doctor was initially reluctant to release the victim back into her mother’s care but had no choice.” Following the report, a second medical examination was conducted on the victim and the results were conclusive, indicating that she had been sodomised.
It is learnt that the victim’s father, a lorry driver aged 47, has since gone into hiding. ………………………………..........................................................................In the second incident, a 19-year-old man is being sought by police after he is said to have sexually assaulted both his younger sisters on Wednesday at their home in Taman Seri Putra, Banting.The suspect is said to have pulled his sisters, aged 11 and 8, into the bedroom, while their parents were away. He allegedly pushed the 11-year-old girl onto the bed and kissed her.The suspect is then said to have dragged both girls into the toilet where he ordered the younger girl to perform oral sex on him.He then warned the girls to keep quiet about the incident. However, the elder girl told her mother what happened when she returned home.The mother lodged a report at the Banting police station. It is understood that a similar incident had occurred in the past when the family lived in Kelantan.However, at that time, the mother did not believe her daughter. Medical examinations indicated neither of the girls had been raped.Selangor CID chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Hasnan Hassan said police were looking for the two suspects.
I am very troubled by these news lately!
Why are there so many children’s death, abuse and abandoned?
We as parents have to safe guard them not kill them!!!
Today I pray for the innocent children, the babies!
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 19:14
Buddha Said
If one harms the innocent, suffering will come in these ten ways. He may suffer grief, infirmity, painful accident, serious illness, loss of mind, legal prosecution, fearful accusation, family bereavement, or financial loss; or his house may burn down, and after death he may be thrown into the fire of suffering.
abuse children,
child deaths,
suffering in malaysia
Malaysia mahu iktiraf homoseks?
Firdaus Khairi Jul 18, 08 1:11pm
I read the article above on Malaysiakini website.
It quoted quite a bit on the Catholic Church too. How the church & the Pope was against homosexuality.
I am a Catholic myself a practicing one. I may not be a very good Catholic but I always trust in Jesus. I Believe God the Father is a forgiving God. I Believe In Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Therefore form all I’ve learned, we humans are not perfect, yet The Lord sent his Son to give His life for us. He loves us no matter who we are and what we are Jesus came for us the sinners. If I a catholic believe this then should it not follow we should accept everyone no matter what their sexual preference is?
Here I can only speak of the Catholic faith because I am a catholic. I cannot comment on Islam as I have no knowledge of it. What I am thinking here is why are people against homosexuality? Are they bad people just because they prefer their own kind?
Let’s make believe that I was gay, would my family, friends, government, church, disown me & Cast me out just because I was gay, without taking into consideration me my self? My character? My life? My personality? Am I out cast just because as a woman I prefer sex with another woman? May be I fall in love with a woman and plan to spend the rest of my life with her? The Lord said “Let you without the sin cast the 1st stone!”
I am in agreement that the homosexual community should be acknowledge as equal citizens and have access to all the same things and services and aid as everyone else!
Malaysia mahu iktiraf homoseks?
Firdaus Khairi Jul 18, 08 1:11pm
I read the article above on Malaysiakini website.
It quoted quite a bit on the Catholic Church too. How the church & the Pope was against homosexuality.
I am a Catholic myself a practicing one. I may not be a very good Catholic but I always trust in Jesus. I Believe God the Father is a forgiving God. I Believe In Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Therefore form all I’ve learned, we humans are not perfect, yet The Lord sent his Son to give His life for us. He loves us no matter who we are and what we are Jesus came for us the sinners. If I a catholic believe this then should it not follow we should accept everyone no matter what their sexual preference is?
Here I can only speak of the Catholic faith because I am a catholic. I cannot comment on Islam as I have no knowledge of it. What I am thinking here is why are people against homosexuality? Are they bad people just because they prefer their own kind?
Let’s make believe that I was gay, would my family, friends, government, church, disown me & Cast me out just because I was gay, without taking into consideration me my self? My character? My life? My personality? Am I out cast just because as a woman I prefer sex with another woman? May be I fall in love with a woman and plan to spend the rest of my life with her? The Lord said “Let you without the sin cast the 1st stone!”
I am in agreement that the homosexual community should be acknowledge as equal citizens and have access to all the same things and services and aid as everyone else!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday March 5, 2009
Jailed for stealing blanket for grandma
JOHOR BARU: A woman who stole a blanket for her elderly grandmother as she could not afford to buy one, ended up being jailed and fined by a magistrate’s court.
Lim Kwai Lian, 24, from Taman Bayu Putri told Magistrate Hafizah Johor Ariff Johor that the doctor had advised her to get a thick blanket for her grandmother who was always feeling cold.
“I took the blanket as I could not afford to buy it,” she said, adding that she was her grandmother’s only care-giver.
Lim had been charged with stealing an Akemi Party blanket worth RM172.53 from the Jusco Department store in Tebrau City here at around 4.30pm on Feb 26.
She added that she worked in a beauty parlour and earned RM1,000 a month, but had to pay for their rental and her grandmother’s medical bills.
The court sentenced Lim to five days’ jail and an RM300 fine, in default three months jail.
Is anyone going to help her grandmother while she is in jail? As she is the only caregiver? She may not have other living relatives? I know she income of RM1000 while being very little is not little enough for her to be on welfare.
What do people like her do then? Can the government tell me? Because there are really many, many people like her whose income is insufficient for their family but are not qualified for welfare aid either!
Sometimes I feel the government is only interested in jailing the people who are good instead of finding the real crooks out there!
Jailed for stealing blanket for grandma
JOHOR BARU: A woman who stole a blanket for her elderly grandmother as she could not afford to buy one, ended up being jailed and fined by a magistrate’s court.
Lim Kwai Lian, 24, from Taman Bayu Putri told Magistrate Hafizah Johor Ariff Johor that the doctor had advised her to get a thick blanket for her grandmother who was always feeling cold.
“I took the blanket as I could not afford to buy it,” she said, adding that she was her grandmother’s only care-giver.
Lim had been charged with stealing an Akemi Party blanket worth RM172.53 from the Jusco Department store in Tebrau City here at around 4.30pm on Feb 26.
She added that she worked in a beauty parlour and earned RM1,000 a month, but had to pay for their rental and her grandmother’s medical bills.
The court sentenced Lim to five days’ jail and an RM300 fine, in default three months jail.
Is anyone going to help her grandmother while she is in jail? As she is the only caregiver? She may not have other living relatives? I know she income of RM1000 while being very little is not little enough for her to be on welfare.
What do people like her do then? Can the government tell me? Because there are really many, many people like her whose income is insufficient for their family but are not qualified for welfare aid either!
Sometimes I feel the government is only interested in jailing the people who are good instead of finding the real crooks out there!
Friday, February 27, 2009
How safe are our children?
The NST online 27/02/09
KUALA LUMPUR: A babysitter and her two sons were picked up by police in Sentul in connection with the sexual abuse of a 1-year old girl.
Police went to their flat in Bandar Baru Sentul and picked them up about 6pm yesterday. An initial medical report had shown that the girl had been sexually abused. Police are tightlipped as to why the three were brought in and whether a second medical report was ready. City Crime Investigation Department chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah said the three suspects were at the police headquarters here and police expected to obtain a remand order today.
On Sunday, a young couple who had entrusted a family friend to babysit their daughter were devastated when they found blood on the toddler's private parts while changing her diaper. The couple immediately rushed her to a clinic. It is learnt that the toddler had been in the woman's care from 9am to 7pm daily, six days a week, for the past seven months. The couple had earlier told reporters that a doctor at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital said that there were penetration wounds in their daughter's private parts, indicating that she had been sodomised and raped.
Cases like this gives me sleepless nights, makes me sick, leaves me with a desperate feeling of being helpless, useless & terrified!
As a single mother, I am constantly worried about my kid’s safety. When I 1st started back at work my kid had just turned one. It took me 2 months of searching and coming to terms with the fact that I will be leaving my little one in the hands of a total stranger from 7am to 7pm daily.
My 1st day at work, I spent a lot of time in the toilet crying and in pain as my breast milk was full and I had to throw it away. I prayed so much I’m sure God was fed up with my repeated prayers!
It was for my child’s safety, for the babysitter to take good care of my child, etc.
This world we live in is full of evil now no where is safe anymore. Cases of children being abused and murdered never heard of before is flooding the news.
I tell you the truth, I had insomnia during my 1st year back to work because I used to have nightmares of not being able to keep my baby safe.
I know there are many single mothers out there how do you cope with things like this? Today my child is 4 yet even at the supermarket I’m constantly afraid my little one might get lost or be kidnapped by some evil person.
Sometimes I know I get paranoid but how do I stop this I do not want to be the over-protective paranoid mom but I never want to be the mom that didn’t manage to keep her kid safe.
As parents our responsibility is so big yet sometimes I feel many of us take things for granted.
KUALA LUMPUR: A babysitter and her two sons were picked up by police in Sentul in connection with the sexual abuse of a 1-year old girl.
Police went to their flat in Bandar Baru Sentul and picked them up about 6pm yesterday. An initial medical report had shown that the girl had been sexually abused. Police are tightlipped as to why the three were brought in and whether a second medical report was ready. City Crime Investigation Department chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah said the three suspects were at the police headquarters here and police expected to obtain a remand order today.
On Sunday, a young couple who had entrusted a family friend to babysit their daughter were devastated when they found blood on the toddler's private parts while changing her diaper. The couple immediately rushed her to a clinic. It is learnt that the toddler had been in the woman's care from 9am to 7pm daily, six days a week, for the past seven months. The couple had earlier told reporters that a doctor at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital said that there were penetration wounds in their daughter's private parts, indicating that she had been sodomised and raped.
Cases like this gives me sleepless nights, makes me sick, leaves me with a desperate feeling of being helpless, useless & terrified!
As a single mother, I am constantly worried about my kid’s safety. When I 1st started back at work my kid had just turned one. It took me 2 months of searching and coming to terms with the fact that I will be leaving my little one in the hands of a total stranger from 7am to 7pm daily.
My 1st day at work, I spent a lot of time in the toilet crying and in pain as my breast milk was full and I had to throw it away. I prayed so much I’m sure God was fed up with my repeated prayers!
It was for my child’s safety, for the babysitter to take good care of my child, etc.
This world we live in is full of evil now no where is safe anymore. Cases of children being abused and murdered never heard of before is flooding the news.
I tell you the truth, I had insomnia during my 1st year back to work because I used to have nightmares of not being able to keep my baby safe.
I know there are many single mothers out there how do you cope with things like this? Today my child is 4 yet even at the supermarket I’m constantly afraid my little one might get lost or be kidnapped by some evil person.
Sometimes I know I get paranoid but how do I stop this I do not want to be the over-protective paranoid mom but I never want to be the mom that didn’t manage to keep her kid safe.
As parents our responsibility is so big yet sometimes I feel many of us take things for granted.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Some Malay teachers in Bagan Serai are “going mad” as they cannot handle teaching Mathematics and Science subjects in English, claimed a state assembl
The Star:
Thursday February 26, 2009
Teachers going mad teaching subjects in English, claims rep
TAIPING: Some Malay teachers in Bagan Serai are “going mad” as they cannot handle teaching Mathematics and Science subjects in English, claimed a state assemblyman .
Dr Khalil Idham Lim Abdullah (Titi Serong) said the teachers themselves had to take English classes to improve their command of English.
While they are still grappling with the language, they are required to teach their students as well, said Khalil, who was chairman of the Perak Backbenchers Club in the former Pakatan Rakyat-led state government.
“The teachers themselves have a poor command of English. How do we expect them to teach their students?” he asked in his speech after a briefing on the subject at the state PAS headquarters in Jalan Air Kuning on Tuesday.
Some teachers, he said, “have simply gone crazy” because of this, likening the matter to the blind leading the blind. He claimed the minimum passing mark for both subjects were lowered to ensure that only a rosy picture was painted of the move.
Earlier, the gathering was told by Malaysian Translators Association president Associate Prof Abdullah Hassan that a big gathering is scheduled to be held in front of Istana Negara at 2pm on March 7 to protest against the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English.
Prof Abdullah said the argument that the usage of English would provide better job opportunities could only hold water if there were plenty of job openings.
Doesn’t this say it all?!
Just look at how bad the state of Our English is when even qualified teachers don’t speak English?!
And your solution is to quit?!!!!! Not to improve our English but to just Quit?! Great!
“Good Job“!!! now let’s see this scenario below:
If my child is bad in.. hmmm… let’s say geography, she’s very weak in this subject, say, I’m helping her as it’s my duty, but I am not well verse in geography I only have the very basic knowledge like if you ask me is America a continent I’ll say yes if u ask me what is the capital of America I will need to get back to you, do my homework 1st. Therefore, it drives me “mad” to keep teaching her geography as I’m not good at it.
Then I decide, ok let’s stop studying Geography, I’ll let my kid watch national geographic once a week and that’s good enough.
I do not need know more on Geography and when my kid is older if she decides to work in an industry that needs geography like a travel agent or a pilot, or shipping, or geography teacher, or geologist, any industry related to geography then she can go take lessons if not then she doesn’t need to know much.
This is basically what the article below tells me. For me personally I would do the following:-
If it shows that I’m need to be good at something totally alien to me so that I can do my job more efficient, I will make sure I do some home work too and I will go for whatever new courses my boss sends me to and if I feel I’m still not competent enough I’ll flood my boss with requests to send me for more courses so that I will be competent! I mean after all, the bosses are the once who suddenly change the rules I still need to do my job but I cannot do it efficiently if I lack the new knowledge.
I mean if as a teacher you think you can’t teach a dog new tricks then you better not be a teacher!
As they say: One is never too old to learn.
Thursday February 26, 2009
Teachers going mad teaching subjects in English, claims rep
TAIPING: Some Malay teachers in Bagan Serai are “going mad” as they cannot handle teaching Mathematics and Science subjects in English, claimed a state assemblyman .
Dr Khalil Idham Lim Abdullah (Titi Serong) said the teachers themselves had to take English classes to improve their command of English.
While they are still grappling with the language, they are required to teach their students as well, said Khalil, who was chairman of the Perak Backbenchers Club in the former Pakatan Rakyat-led state government.
“The teachers themselves have a poor command of English. How do we expect them to teach their students?” he asked in his speech after a briefing on the subject at the state PAS headquarters in Jalan Air Kuning on Tuesday.
Some teachers, he said, “have simply gone crazy” because of this, likening the matter to the blind leading the blind. He claimed the minimum passing mark for both subjects were lowered to ensure that only a rosy picture was painted of the move.
Earlier, the gathering was told by Malaysian Translators Association president Associate Prof Abdullah Hassan that a big gathering is scheduled to be held in front of Istana Negara at 2pm on March 7 to protest against the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English.
Prof Abdullah said the argument that the usage of English would provide better job opportunities could only hold water if there were plenty of job openings.
Doesn’t this say it all?!
Just look at how bad the state of Our English is when even qualified teachers don’t speak English?!
And your solution is to quit?!!!!! Not to improve our English but to just Quit?! Great!
“Good Job“!!! now let’s see this scenario below:
If my child is bad in.. hmmm… let’s say geography, she’s very weak in this subject, say, I’m helping her as it’s my duty, but I am not well verse in geography I only have the very basic knowledge like if you ask me is America a continent I’ll say yes if u ask me what is the capital of America I will need to get back to you, do my homework 1st. Therefore, it drives me “mad” to keep teaching her geography as I’m not good at it.
Then I decide, ok let’s stop studying Geography, I’ll let my kid watch national geographic once a week and that’s good enough.
I do not need know more on Geography and when my kid is older if she decides to work in an industry that needs geography like a travel agent or a pilot, or shipping, or geography teacher, or geologist, any industry related to geography then she can go take lessons if not then she doesn’t need to know much.
This is basically what the article below tells me. For me personally I would do the following:-
If it shows that I’m need to be good at something totally alien to me so that I can do my job more efficient, I will make sure I do some home work too and I will go for whatever new courses my boss sends me to and if I feel I’m still not competent enough I’ll flood my boss with requests to send me for more courses so that I will be competent! I mean after all, the bosses are the once who suddenly change the rules I still need to do my job but I cannot do it efficiently if I lack the new knowledge.
I mean if as a teacher you think you can’t teach a dog new tricks then you better not be a teacher!
As they say: One is never too old to learn.
Friday, February 20, 2009
My disgust on what is happening in Malaysia!
Reading about the circus the media has made for Ms Elizabeth Wong leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth!
What sick people are we that we devour sleazy news like this?! The media thrives on anything that sells and sex sells!
Why does it sell?
Are we Malaysians are so deprived, that we gobble up anything sordid!
Why do we allow the media and the politicians to manipulate us for their benefit?
Have we no morals of our own must we look for the supposedly “immoral behavior” of others to justify ours?
Have we no brains to think for ourselves of what is right and what is wrong?
Come on! What are we teaching the children of the future??????? Our children?
What sick people are we that we devour sleazy news like this?! The media thrives on anything that sells and sex sells!
Why does it sell?
Are we Malaysians are so deprived, that we gobble up anything sordid!
Why do we allow the media and the politicians to manipulate us for their benefit?
Have we no morals of our own must we look for the supposedly “immoral behavior” of others to justify ours?
Have we no brains to think for ourselves of what is right and what is wrong?
Come on! What are we teaching the children of the future??????? Our children?
Elizabeth Wong,
moral issues
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The true way
Jesus told this story:
'Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a holy man andthe other a tax collector.
The holy man stood and prayed, 'God, I thank you that I am notlike other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even likethis lousy tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithesof all that I get.'
But the tax collector, standing far away, would not even liftup his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, bemerciful to me a sinner!'
Jesus explains: 'I tell you, this tax collector went homeforgiven, rather than the holy man; for every one who praiseshimself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be praised.'
Beware of the proud holy man who hangs a bunch of rulesaround your neck.
That humble tax collector had it right. He was doing the onlything you and I can do to be accepted by God. He just asked, with humility.
'Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a holy man andthe other a tax collector.
The holy man stood and prayed, 'God, I thank you that I am notlike other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even likethis lousy tax collector. I fast twice a week, I give tithesof all that I get.'
But the tax collector, standing far away, would not even liftup his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, bemerciful to me a sinner!'
Jesus explains: 'I tell you, this tax collector went homeforgiven, rather than the holy man; for every one who praiseshimself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be praised.'
Beware of the proud holy man who hangs a bunch of rulesaround your neck.
That humble tax collector had it right. He was doing the onlything you and I can do to be accepted by God. He just asked, with humility.
Friday, February 6, 2009
NST Online » Local News 2009/02/06
Valentine's Day 'haram in Islam'
JOHOR BARU: The state Religious Department yesterday reminded Muslims here that Valentine's Day was haram in Islam. The fatwa had been declared in 2005, but the warning, said Mufti Datuk M. Tahrir Samsudin, was the department's yearly reminder to Muslims not to engage in un-Islamic activities. He said such celebrations "involved elements of vice" and violated Islamic tenets and values. He said the Christian elements found in the celebration also did not correspond with Islamic practices.
How insulting can these people get?! Why is it they are never punished when they hurt people of other faiths on purpose?! Why do they get away with it?!
Yes St Valentine was a Christian and a Saint but his day is in celebration of love to promote love and in this day and age where there is only hate rampant you go about warning your people about Valentine's Day?! shouldn't you be promoting Love and Peace? Why are you promoting Hate & Violence?
You know what Datuk what ever your name is? On Valentine's day i'll Pray for your uneducated narrominded soul and MAY GOD ALMIGHTY give you wisdom and love in your life!
Valentine's Day 'haram in Islam'
JOHOR BARU: The state Religious Department yesterday reminded Muslims here that Valentine's Day was haram in Islam. The fatwa had been declared in 2005, but the warning, said Mufti Datuk M. Tahrir Samsudin, was the department's yearly reminder to Muslims not to engage in un-Islamic activities. He said such celebrations "involved elements of vice" and violated Islamic tenets and values. He said the Christian elements found in the celebration also did not correspond with Islamic practices.
How insulting can these people get?! Why is it they are never punished when they hurt people of other faiths on purpose?! Why do they get away with it?!
Yes St Valentine was a Christian and a Saint but his day is in celebration of love to promote love and in this day and age where there is only hate rampant you go about warning your people about Valentine's Day?! shouldn't you be promoting Love and Peace? Why are you promoting Hate & Violence?
You know what Datuk what ever your name is? On Valentine's day i'll Pray for your uneducated narrominded soul and MAY GOD ALMIGHTY give you wisdom and love in your life!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Me and my raving thoughts again.
You know when I hear the about all these politicians going back and forth doing their damnest to stay in power I get the terrible feeling that they are not doing anything for the people except focusing only on staying in power!
I'm just curious here, the Human Resources Minster says there are plenty of jobs available.
Where are these jobs available at sir?
Lets just take an example, in senawang there are many factories. Many of which are affected by the economic down turn.
Many are cutting no of working days and even workers are going. So far I do not see any jobs available for these newly retrenched employees.
Are the jobs available I KL? Shah Alam? Nilai? Ok let's just say Nilai has jobs available.
There retrenched workers many are operators holding salaries of RM500 monthly to RM600
These people are mainly from around Senawang area they take these low paying jobs because they live close by it's easier and cost effective to get to work.
Now suddenly they may need to get a job in Nilai that pays may be RM500 a month and they get the extra expenditure of additional transport cost.
Is it better to take this job or not?
I am just wondering because the RM500 a month has to cover petrol/ transportation cost (I can bet you they will use their own transport because public transport it totally screwed up and if they want to keep their new job they will need to be on time to work!) house rent / home loan payments, electric bills, phone bills, kids expenses then food and the RM 500 will be reduced due to EPF & SOCSO which I do not recommend cutting down.
So do you think the money they earn is enough when it was never enough in the 1st place?
You know what I think will happen? I think they will run into debt because they will be unable to pull through the whole month!
Now I know people will say it's easy to talk and complaint only.
Well I have a suggestion for the government:
Here goes: Start paying the retrenched workers a monthly allowance until they get reasonable jobs. Take on their house rent / home loan payments so they do not fear having no home to live in. Give the people free electricity & water so the people do not live in darkness when the electricity is cut because they do not have income to pay the bill (at least until times get better). there's more suggestions but I'll just leave it at that 1st.
You see I hear lots of talks about this stimulus package and that stimulus package in the millions! And all your stupid games of cat and mouse with the oppositions are extremely childish during these tough times when the people are suffering! I have no trust that your 'Stimulus packages' will do anything for me!And I'm quite sure most of it will go into some peoples' already big fat pockets! To make it bigger & fatter.
You want to govern us? Well, governing also means supervising. Supervision also mean care. So, go do your real job and take care of the people!
p/s And I don't give a damn if you are BN, UMNO, DAP, Pakatan, Pas, Keadilan either these is what I think of all of you right now! You all need to focus on the most important thing right now and it's not your posistions! Your positions will be fine if you do your job by the people!
I'm just curious here, the Human Resources Minster says there are plenty of jobs available.
Where are these jobs available at sir?
Lets just take an example, in senawang there are many factories. Many of which are affected by the economic down turn.
Many are cutting no of working days and even workers are going. So far I do not see any jobs available for these newly retrenched employees.
Are the jobs available I KL? Shah Alam? Nilai? Ok let's just say Nilai has jobs available.
There retrenched workers many are operators holding salaries of RM500 monthly to RM600
These people are mainly from around Senawang area they take these low paying jobs because they live close by it's easier and cost effective to get to work.
Now suddenly they may need to get a job in Nilai that pays may be RM500 a month and they get the extra expenditure of additional transport cost.
Is it better to take this job or not?
I am just wondering because the RM500 a month has to cover petrol/ transportation cost (I can bet you they will use their own transport because public transport it totally screwed up and if they want to keep their new job they will need to be on time to work!) house rent / home loan payments, electric bills, phone bills, kids expenses then food and the RM 500 will be reduced due to EPF & SOCSO which I do not recommend cutting down.
So do you think the money they earn is enough when it was never enough in the 1st place?
You know what I think will happen? I think they will run into debt because they will be unable to pull through the whole month!
Now I know people will say it's easy to talk and complaint only.
Well I have a suggestion for the government:
Here goes: Start paying the retrenched workers a monthly allowance until they get reasonable jobs. Take on their house rent / home loan payments so they do not fear having no home to live in. Give the people free electricity & water so the people do not live in darkness when the electricity is cut because they do not have income to pay the bill (at least until times get better). there's more suggestions but I'll just leave it at that 1st.
You see I hear lots of talks about this stimulus package and that stimulus package in the millions! And all your stupid games of cat and mouse with the oppositions are extremely childish during these tough times when the people are suffering! I have no trust that your 'Stimulus packages' will do anything for me!And I'm quite sure most of it will go into some peoples' already big fat pockets! To make it bigger & fatter.
You want to govern us? Well, governing also means supervising. Supervision also mean care. So, go do your real job and take care of the people!
p/s And I don't give a damn if you are BN, UMNO, DAP, Pakatan, Pas, Keadilan either these is what I think of all of you right now! You all need to focus on the most important thing right now and it's not your posistions! Your positions will be fine if you do your job by the people!
economic down turn,
retrenched workers,
singel parent,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The worry of a single parent today.
I'm worried today about all the stuffs that's been going on in the world.
In my own tiny corner so far things have been progressing very slowly and seems to be getting worse.
I work in the manufacturing line and so far it's only just getting to be bad.
We were relatively less affected then those in the electronics sector. I know my company management is trying it's very best not to lay of it's workers but at the same time they are struggling to stay afloat too. Being a single parent I really appreciate all they are trying to do to keep us in our jobs.
Around me are many factories and well, let's just say there has been a great reduction in traffic on the roads to work and back recently. This situation really scares me.
This month we have shut down product for 2 weeks. Yesterday my big boss announced some bad news that we were expecting already. The next few months will be worse so the company will cut down the no of working days. That is just for the next 2 months. what happens after that is anyone guess...... but I'm expecting a cut in salary.
What I'm worried about is how to manage with less income? All my income pays everything out the same day I get my salary and what is left is just enough for petrol and food.
If my income is cut by just 10 % I will be really struggling on petrol & food. Looks like no more visits to my sister's hse which is 16km away. And no more shopping for food when it runs out just need to make do until every thing is gone b4 going to the shop.
Thank God for Instant noodles! All I can do is pray very hard for this times to pass by quickly and not get dragged in the current.
I just have one wish and that is I hope and I pray that the people leading this country I don’t care opposition or government please focus on us the people stop your foolish games of politics you are in your position to work now is the time to proof your worth!
Lastly but never the least, May God, Tuhan, Allah, The Almighty God of all, guide us!
In my own tiny corner so far things have been progressing very slowly and seems to be getting worse.
I work in the manufacturing line and so far it's only just getting to be bad.
We were relatively less affected then those in the electronics sector. I know my company management is trying it's very best not to lay of it's workers but at the same time they are struggling to stay afloat too. Being a single parent I really appreciate all they are trying to do to keep us in our jobs.
Around me are many factories and well, let's just say there has been a great reduction in traffic on the roads to work and back recently. This situation really scares me.
This month we have shut down product for 2 weeks. Yesterday my big boss announced some bad news that we were expecting already. The next few months will be worse so the company will cut down the no of working days. That is just for the next 2 months. what happens after that is anyone guess...... but I'm expecting a cut in salary.
What I'm worried about is how to manage with less income? All my income pays everything out the same day I get my salary and what is left is just enough for petrol and food.
If my income is cut by just 10 % I will be really struggling on petrol & food. Looks like no more visits to my sister's hse which is 16km away. And no more shopping for food when it runs out just need to make do until every thing is gone b4 going to the shop.
Thank God for Instant noodles! All I can do is pray very hard for this times to pass by quickly and not get dragged in the current.
I just have one wish and that is I hope and I pray that the people leading this country I don’t care opposition or government please focus on us the people stop your foolish games of politics you are in your position to work now is the time to proof your worth!
Lastly but never the least, May God, Tuhan, Allah, The Almighty God of all, guide us!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Please Pray for the ISA Detainees
I just wish to lend my prayers for all those in ISA right now.
I also pray for the 23 persons who are summoned to court today for attending the No to ISA Candle light vigil which has been peaceful thus far but according to the police, they are law breakers because it was an illegal assembly.
Just another of my thoughts here, Is it an 'illegal assembly' to attend mass in church? it's a gathering of more then 4 persons. Does the church have permits to hold mass? what about weddings? I mean it's a gathering of more then 4 people in one spot, wat?! sometimes we light candles too!
When my family go to the cemetery to visit my mom's grave, we , let's see, that's me, my daughter, my sister, her son, my grandma, my brother, hmm that's more then 4 with kids involved too, and we light candles too! So do we need to get a permit for that?
Just wondering. What about if we go to the lake gardens with friends and family for picnic, we need a permit now right? i heard of some police telling ppl picnicking to disperse too recently.
Better to just keep applying every time we go somewhere and there's more then 4 people in the group la!
I also pray for the 23 persons who are summoned to court today for attending the No to ISA Candle light vigil which has been peaceful thus far but according to the police, they are law breakers because it was an illegal assembly.
Just another of my thoughts here, Is it an 'illegal assembly' to attend mass in church? it's a gathering of more then 4 persons. Does the church have permits to hold mass? what about weddings? I mean it's a gathering of more then 4 people in one spot, wat?! sometimes we light candles too!
When my family go to the cemetery to visit my mom's grave, we , let's see, that's me, my daughter, my sister, her son, my grandma, my brother, hmm that's more then 4 with kids involved too, and we light candles too! So do we need to get a permit for that?
Just wondering. What about if we go to the lake gardens with friends and family for picnic, we need a permit now right? i heard of some police telling ppl picnicking to disperse too recently.
Better to just keep applying every time we go somewhere and there's more then 4 people in the group la!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the Arabic word "Allah".
Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh]
pronunciation (help·info)) is the standard Arabic word for 'God.'[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God".[2][1][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]
The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among the traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters, a concept strongly opposed by Islam. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. All other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah.[5] Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator of the universe and omnipotent.[2][1] Arab Christians today, having no other word for 'God' than Allah,[6] use terms such as Allāh al-ʼAb ( الله الأب) "God the Father". There are both similarities and differences between the concept of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible.[7]
Unicode has a codepoint reserved for Allāh, ﷲ = U+FDF2.[8] Many Arabic type fonts feature special ligatures for Allah.[9
There you have it!
So why En Syed Hamid Albar (know that I wish to call you something else but with due respect to your parents who named you I'll let it stand)
Why are you so against another religion using Allah? Why is it so important for you to have the last say?
It just makes more people dislike you and your people! Do you represent all UMNO & Malays in Malaysia?
Does every other Muslim Malaysian feel as you do? Are the Catholics hurting all Muslims Malaysian by our use of the word Allah in Bahasa Malaysia?
Tell me are the Indonesian Christians who are in Malaysia right now do they have to cease using Allah too?
What about all the Jewish people of Arabic decent are too not allowed to use Allah when they pray?
Are you going to tell the Orang Asli, Ibans, Dayak, Kadazans, etc, Those who are Christians & who's bibles are in BM to stop reading their bibles and prayer books and songs just because they have the word Allah in them?
Your selfish and narrow-mindedness is very worrying. You know I am not worried by the people of other faiths feeling hurt by the catholics use of the word Allah because I am confident they understand that we are worshiping the ONE GOD ALMIGHTY for there is only one GOD as you believe as we believe in Him we are all brothers and sisters. His command is that we love one another not to make war on each other but to create love. You have a great misconception of God and you have lost your way.
You know En Syed Hamid Albar, God doesn't belong to to you but you belong to Him. God is for everyone. We all belong to God. So a bit of advise, be humble, get off your high horse, quit looking down your nose at the rest of us. For God is Great and He will hand out His justice it's all in His Time!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the Arabic word "Allah".
Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh]
pronunciation (help·info)) is the standard Arabic word for 'God.'[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, in reference to "God".[2][1][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]
The concepts associated with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among the traditions. In pre-Islamic Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not the sole divinity, having associates and companions, sons and daughters, a concept strongly opposed by Islam. In Islam, the name Allah is the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name. All other divine names are believed to refer back to Allah.[5] Allah is unique, the only Deity, creator of the universe and omnipotent.[2][1] Arab Christians today, having no other word for 'God' than Allah,[6] use terms such as Allāh al-ʼAb ( الله الأب) "God the Father". There are both similarities and differences between the concept of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible.[7]
Unicode has a codepoint reserved for Allāh, ﷲ = U+FDF2.[8] Many Arabic type fonts feature special ligatures for Allah.[9
There you have it!
So why En Syed Hamid Albar (know that I wish to call you something else but with due respect to your parents who named you I'll let it stand)
Why are you so against another religion using Allah? Why is it so important for you to have the last say?
It just makes more people dislike you and your people! Do you represent all UMNO & Malays in Malaysia?
Does every other Muslim Malaysian feel as you do? Are the Catholics hurting all Muslims Malaysian by our use of the word Allah in Bahasa Malaysia?
Tell me are the Indonesian Christians who are in Malaysia right now do they have to cease using Allah too?
What about all the Jewish people of Arabic decent are too not allowed to use Allah when they pray?
Are you going to tell the Orang Asli, Ibans, Dayak, Kadazans, etc, Those who are Christians & who's bibles are in BM to stop reading their bibles and prayer books and songs just because they have the word Allah in them?
Your selfish and narrow-mindedness is very worrying. You know I am not worried by the people of other faiths feeling hurt by the catholics use of the word Allah because I am confident they understand that we are worshiping the ONE GOD ALMIGHTY for there is only one GOD as you believe as we believe in Him we are all brothers and sisters. His command is that we love one another not to make war on each other but to create love. You have a great misconception of God and you have lost your way.
You know En Syed Hamid Albar, God doesn't belong to to you but you belong to Him. God is for everyone. We all belong to God. So a bit of advise, be humble, get off your high horse, quit looking down your nose at the rest of us. For God is Great and He will hand out His justice it's all in His Time!
Reported by NST: 22/01/09 Thursday.
There was drama at the Sessions Court yesterday when an elderly woman refused to post bail for her daughter and her boyfriend who were charged with abusing her four-year-old son.
“I don’t want to bail them. I’ve seen them abusing the boy. Why did the man kill my grandson?” N. Saroja said in anger when asked by judge Zainal Abidin Kamarudin whether she wanted to bail her daughter.Before proceedings started, Saroja was seen crying when she told the two policemen in the court that she did not want to see her daughter at the court lock-up.R. Chittra Devi, 30, and R. Vigneswaran, 27, both unemployed, were jointly charged with abusing N. Iswaran by causing physical injuries at Chittra’s house E-32, Level 1, Taman Kok Doh, Segambut, in Sentul between November 2008 and Jan 7.They pleaded not guilty.
When Zainal Abidin asked where the child was, deputy public prosecutor Lee Keng Fatt said Iswaran had died.Lee also told the court that Chittra was a divorcee and Vigneswaran was her boyfriend. Iswaran was Chittra’s son from her first marriage.Lee proposed bail at RM10,000 each with one surety.When the judge asked Vigneswaran who would stand surety for him, he said none of his family members were in court as they were not informed that he would be charged today.However, investigating officer Assistant Superintendent Mohd Idris Omar told the court that Vigneswaran’s wife had been informed.“He is married with three children. When he was arrested at his home, his wife was there,” Mohd Idris said.Zainal Abidin fixed Feb 27 for mention.When the court adjourned, Saroja went to see both accused at the lock-up and she yelled at Vigneswaran: “You’re a dog! You’re a dog!” It was reported that Iswaran was hit with a hammer and burnt with a cigarette lighter because he had urinated on his bed about 5.35am on Jan 7.The boy was taken to Selayang Hospital by neighbours but was pronounced dead 20 minutes later.
addthis_pub = 'nstonline';
I cannot stomach how much cruelity this little child has endured! God has finally taken this child away! Why didn't anyone help this child?! How can the mother abuse her own flesh and blood!
She choose her boyfren over her son! I'm sorry i'm judging her but i cannot help it!
I'm a single mom too, i'm in a relationship too. yet i cannot ever imagine urting my child or allowing anyone to hurt my child! My flesh and blood comes 1st over anyone!
I suppose if she was being abused as well she may have allowed it to happen. I know i have no right to judge her or anyone and i am not qualified to talk about this too but there are other ways to act.
there was some i know who's a single mom too. she remarried. the step father was abusing her son she didn't want it to continue at the same time she didn't want to lose her husband she decided to give up her son instead knowing he will be better off. What she did and how she did it was not right in some of our eyes but she did the best to her capability. And what i read today it proves she did the right thing!
I pray i be a good mother and i pray my child will never be harmed ever by anyone and i pray she Will always be happy and healthy.
May God protect and bless all the little angels he put on earth. May all the innocent children especially those who are suffering right this very minute be saved.
There was drama at the Sessions Court yesterday when an elderly woman refused to post bail for her daughter and her boyfriend who were charged with abusing her four-year-old son.
“I don’t want to bail them. I’ve seen them abusing the boy. Why did the man kill my grandson?” N. Saroja said in anger when asked by judge Zainal Abidin Kamarudin whether she wanted to bail her daughter.Before proceedings started, Saroja was seen crying when she told the two policemen in the court that she did not want to see her daughter at the court lock-up.R. Chittra Devi, 30, and R. Vigneswaran, 27, both unemployed, were jointly charged with abusing N. Iswaran by causing physical injuries at Chittra’s house E-32, Level 1, Taman Kok Doh, Segambut, in Sentul between November 2008 and Jan 7.They pleaded not guilty.
When Zainal Abidin asked where the child was, deputy public prosecutor Lee Keng Fatt said Iswaran had died.Lee also told the court that Chittra was a divorcee and Vigneswaran was her boyfriend. Iswaran was Chittra’s son from her first marriage.Lee proposed bail at RM10,000 each with one surety.When the judge asked Vigneswaran who would stand surety for him, he said none of his family members were in court as they were not informed that he would be charged today.However, investigating officer Assistant Superintendent Mohd Idris Omar told the court that Vigneswaran’s wife had been informed.“He is married with three children. When he was arrested at his home, his wife was there,” Mohd Idris said.Zainal Abidin fixed Feb 27 for mention.When the court adjourned, Saroja went to see both accused at the lock-up and she yelled at Vigneswaran: “You’re a dog! You’re a dog!” It was reported that Iswaran was hit with a hammer and burnt with a cigarette lighter because he had urinated on his bed about 5.35am on Jan 7.The boy was taken to Selayang Hospital by neighbours but was pronounced dead 20 minutes later.
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I cannot stomach how much cruelity this little child has endured! God has finally taken this child away! Why didn't anyone help this child?! How can the mother abuse her own flesh and blood!
She choose her boyfren over her son! I'm sorry i'm judging her but i cannot help it!
I'm a single mom too, i'm in a relationship too. yet i cannot ever imagine urting my child or allowing anyone to hurt my child! My flesh and blood comes 1st over anyone!
I suppose if she was being abused as well she may have allowed it to happen. I know i have no right to judge her or anyone and i am not qualified to talk about this too but there are other ways to act.
there was some i know who's a single mom too. she remarried. the step father was abusing her son she didn't want it to continue at the same time she didn't want to lose her husband she decided to give up her son instead knowing he will be better off. What she did and how she did it was not right in some of our eyes but she did the best to her capability. And what i read today it proves she did the right thing!
I pray i be a good mother and i pray my child will never be harmed ever by anyone and i pray she Will always be happy and healthy.
May God protect and bless all the little angels he put on earth. May all the innocent children especially those who are suffering right this very minute be saved.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tuesday January 20, 2009
DAP ‘owes non-Muslims an apology for supporting PAS’
KUALA LUMPUR: The DAP owes non-Muslims an apology for campaigning for PAS in the Kuala Terengganu by-election as it was tantamount to helping the Islamist party establish theocratic rule, said MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew.
However, he noted that DAP’s support for PAS in Kuala Terengganu was rejected by the Chinese community there.
“The bureau is deeply consoled that the Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu made a rational choice to support the Barisan Nasional.
“This indicates the Chinese there had not been blinded by DAP and had utterly rejected the ideology of theocratic rule in the country,” he said in a statement.
Gan accused the DAP of assisting PAS to realise the dream of theocratic rule just because it (DAP) wanted to gain power.
He said the DAP’s action would help PAS grow stronger and this was a disastrous threat to the future generations of Malaysians
Now why should DAP appologies forPAS?
IS sounds very much like this MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew guy is racist to me. Well he really makes it look like he's rasict with his remarks! Is he trying to tell the Chinese people in KT that Muslims are Bad? or Malays are bad? if this is this man's oppinion then i for one do not trust him in any leadership post!
BTW, i'm a malaysian and a catholic. my mom's of chinese heritage and my dad is of indian heritage., I'm very malaysian!
DAP ‘owes non-Muslims an apology for supporting PAS’
KUALA LUMPUR: The DAP owes non-Muslims an apology for campaigning for PAS in the Kuala Terengganu by-election as it was tantamount to helping the Islamist party establish theocratic rule, said MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew.
However, he noted that DAP’s support for PAS in Kuala Terengganu was rejected by the Chinese community there.
“The bureau is deeply consoled that the Chinese voters in Kuala Terengganu made a rational choice to support the Barisan Nasional.
“This indicates the Chinese there had not been blinded by DAP and had utterly rejected the ideology of theocratic rule in the country,” he said in a statement.
Gan accused the DAP of assisting PAS to realise the dream of theocratic rule just because it (DAP) wanted to gain power.
He said the DAP’s action would help PAS grow stronger and this was a disastrous threat to the future generations of Malaysians
Now why should DAP appologies forPAS?
IS sounds very much like this MCA political education bureau chairman Gan Ping Siew guy is racist to me. Well he really makes it look like he's rasict with his remarks! Is he trying to tell the Chinese people in KT that Muslims are Bad? or Malays are bad? if this is this man's oppinion then i for one do not trust him in any leadership post!
BTW, i'm a malaysian and a catholic. my mom's of chinese heritage and my dad is of indian heritage., I'm very malaysian!
I do hope people do not get seduced by this kind of talk from 'BS' politicians!
Monday, January 19, 2009
This weekend, I bought a single mattress for my little one. It was because I’ve finally accepted the fact that she has grown up to a 4 yr old and no longer a little baby. I feel so sad like I lost my baby yet I’m so proud that she’s grown tall!
She was so very excited when she saw the new mattress. She has been sleeping in her baby bed on the floor right beside me for over a year now, For the past 3 months plus/minus a month her legs has been almost hanging over. Friday night she said she wanted to sleep on her own mattress by herself in her own room! It made me so proud and broke my heart at the same time! And ever since Friday night she’s has ‘abandoned’ my side and has been sleeping on her own in her room on her new mattress. While I’ve been getting very little sleep! (Waking up at every little sound, creeping into her room to check on her).
I’m so mixed up. You see, on one hand, I am so proud of her for being so independent and on the other, I try not to cry as I miss my baby girl so very much. I suppose I will have to adjust to this, as sooner or later she’ll start pushing further and further out of my protective arms. Soon she will be too embarrassed to be carried or cuddle by me and I dread that day.
On Sunday in while I was shopping with her for toiletries, she just suddenly hugged me and said “I love you Mama” and thinking of it today, I get so choked up. My little princess is a very loving caring person and I am so proud of her. She does many little things when you least expect it that shows what a great big heart she has in that tiny body of hers. I’m not saying she’s an angel ! Very far from it actually! She’s very prone to her tantrums, her kicking, sulking, whining, etc, but it never last long.
I feel terrible thinking about how sometimes I get so irritated with her for being naughty especially the times when I come home late from work and still has to fix dinner, and chores are yet to be settled and she gets naughty. Those times I scold her and punish her so quickly that may be she didn’t really deserve the punishment for the minor mischief she’s done? I am sorry for all those times I scolded her so soundly that it made her cry.
I just hope that she becomes a better person then I am and I hope she knows that I love her so much and that I cannot imagine what a bleak & empty place my life would be if she had never been born to me!
And if I forget to tell her today, I better mark it down now,… “Baby, Mama loves you so so so so very much, forever and ever, no matter what.”
Love Forever,
This weekend, I bought a single mattress for my little one. It was because I’ve finally accepted the fact that she has grown up to a 4 yr old and no longer a little baby. I feel so sad like I lost my baby yet I’m so proud that she’s grown tall!
She was so very excited when she saw the new mattress. She has been sleeping in her baby bed on the floor right beside me for over a year now, For the past 3 months plus/minus a month her legs has been almost hanging over. Friday night she said she wanted to sleep on her own mattress by herself in her own room! It made me so proud and broke my heart at the same time! And ever since Friday night she’s has ‘abandoned’ my side and has been sleeping on her own in her room on her new mattress. While I’ve been getting very little sleep! (Waking up at every little sound, creeping into her room to check on her).
I’m so mixed up. You see, on one hand, I am so proud of her for being so independent and on the other, I try not to cry as I miss my baby girl so very much. I suppose I will have to adjust to this, as sooner or later she’ll start pushing further and further out of my protective arms. Soon she will be too embarrassed to be carried or cuddle by me and I dread that day.
On Sunday in while I was shopping with her for toiletries, she just suddenly hugged me and said “I love you Mama” and thinking of it today, I get so choked up. My little princess is a very loving caring person and I am so proud of her. She does many little things when you least expect it that shows what a great big heart she has in that tiny body of hers. I’m not saying she’s an angel ! Very far from it actually! She’s very prone to her tantrums, her kicking, sulking, whining, etc, but it never last long.
I feel terrible thinking about how sometimes I get so irritated with her for being naughty especially the times when I come home late from work and still has to fix dinner, and chores are yet to be settled and she gets naughty. Those times I scold her and punish her so quickly that may be she didn’t really deserve the punishment for the minor mischief she’s done? I am sorry for all those times I scolded her so soundly that it made her cry.
I just hope that she becomes a better person then I am and I hope she knows that I love her so much and that I cannot imagine what a bleak & empty place my life would be if she had never been born to me!
And if I forget to tell her today, I better mark it down now,… “Baby, Mama loves you so so so so very much, forever and ever, no matter what.”
Love Forever,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thursday January 15, 2009
The Star.
Dog owners in Nilai must now get neighbour’s permission
SEREMBAN: Dog owners in Nilai must now get written permission from their neighbours to keep the animals in their homes.
This is the first time such a ruling has been introduced in Negri Sembilan following recent amendments to the Dog Licensing Bylaws 2008. The municipal council issues annual dog licences at RM20 each.
Council president Datuk Abd Halim Abd Latif said the ruling covers dogs which were three months old and above.
“For those who want to rear more than two dogs, their premises must be at least 1,000 sq metres.
“You are allowed to keep more than four dogs if the area is larger than 1,000 sq metres,” he said.
The affected areas are Nilai, Rasah, Ampangan, Mantin, Lenggeng, Pantai, Rantau, Labu and Senawang.
Abd Halim said the owners were duty-bound to ensure that their pets were not a nuisance to their neighbours such as the animals defecating in public places.
“The pets cannot be allowed to roam freely outside their compound,” he said, adding that officers would take away unlicensed pets.
Those caught without a licence could be fined up to RM1,000 or jailed not more than six months, or both.
The Seremban Municipal Council issues dog licences for RM10 each but has not asked owners to get their neighbours’ permission. Applicants are required to attach a vaccination card for their pets.
The state Veterinary Services Department issues licences for RM5 for those living in other areas.
Resident Melissa Wong asked why was there a need to get her neighbour’s permission to keep a dog.
“My neighbour’s cats defecate in my compound almost every day. Why doesn’t the council make it a requirement for cat owners to get their neighbour’s consent?” she asked.
P. Manimaran, who lives in Rasah Kemayan, said he may have to give up his dog because he was not on talking terms with his neighbour.
Those with queries can call the Nilai Municipal Council at 06-798 9099/9077.
This is simply riddiculous! What is the purpose of this law? If they say it's because of the
"nuisance to their neighbours such as the animals defecating in public places.
“The pets cannot be allowed to roam freely outside their compound."
Then what about cats? Cats roam every where freely and defecates all over the place too! they cause a great nuisance to me when they steel intomy house to try to steal any food that's on my table!!
Another thing what if the neighbour doesn't allow us to have dogs? what do the dog owners do simply get rid of the dogs you've lived with for years?! GET REAL ! Just because you hate dogs that's your problem do ot try to use your power to kill all dogs?!
The Star.
Dog owners in Nilai must now get neighbour’s permission
SEREMBAN: Dog owners in Nilai must now get written permission from their neighbours to keep the animals in their homes.
This is the first time such a ruling has been introduced in Negri Sembilan following recent amendments to the Dog Licensing Bylaws 2008. The municipal council issues annual dog licences at RM20 each.
Council president Datuk Abd Halim Abd Latif said the ruling covers dogs which were three months old and above.
“For those who want to rear more than two dogs, their premises must be at least 1,000 sq metres.
“You are allowed to keep more than four dogs if the area is larger than 1,000 sq metres,” he said.
The affected areas are Nilai, Rasah, Ampangan, Mantin, Lenggeng, Pantai, Rantau, Labu and Senawang.
Abd Halim said the owners were duty-bound to ensure that their pets were not a nuisance to their neighbours such as the animals defecating in public places.
“The pets cannot be allowed to roam freely outside their compound,” he said, adding that officers would take away unlicensed pets.
Those caught without a licence could be fined up to RM1,000 or jailed not more than six months, or both.
The Seremban Municipal Council issues dog licences for RM10 each but has not asked owners to get their neighbours’ permission. Applicants are required to attach a vaccination card for their pets.
The state Veterinary Services Department issues licences for RM5 for those living in other areas.
Resident Melissa Wong asked why was there a need to get her neighbour’s permission to keep a dog.
“My neighbour’s cats defecate in my compound almost every day. Why doesn’t the council make it a requirement for cat owners to get their neighbour’s consent?” she asked.
P. Manimaran, who lives in Rasah Kemayan, said he may have to give up his dog because he was not on talking terms with his neighbour.
Those with queries can call the Nilai Municipal Council at 06-798 9099/9077.
This is simply riddiculous! What is the purpose of this law? If they say it's because of the
"nuisance to their neighbours such as the animals defecating in public places.
“The pets cannot be allowed to roam freely outside their compound."
Then what about cats? Cats roam every where freely and defecates all over the place too! they cause a great nuisance to me when they steel intomy house to try to steal any food that's on my table!!
Another thing what if the neighbour doesn't allow us to have dogs? what do the dog owners do simply get rid of the dogs you've lived with for years?! GET REAL ! Just because you hate dogs that's your problem do ot try to use your power to kill all dogs?!
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